Saturday, January 17, 2009

My "Resting Place" is no longer the Internet!

You might have noticed that it has been a couple of weeks since I posted on here... and there is a reason. We no longer have internet in our home. At first it was really hard for me to deal with. I am ashamed to admit that now! It took me several hours to process through what had taken place. I had a conversation with God in my journal about my feelings and here is some of it:

"Being without internet has caused a wound in my heart. This is because for me, honestly, I confess the internet has become my resting place. When the day is hard I long to run to the comforts of my little laptop. My mind knows that You Lord, are my resting place! My heart in some ways longs for you to be my resting place, yet it also wants the easy and painless comfort of the computer. In the internet world I am among friends, others possibly escaping their messy realities and finding hope on a screen. They are like me, they love You and their husbands, they too have longed for You to fill their wombs and have found joy in adoption. They are my safe sisters. They don't often ask hard questions abut faith, life, marriage etc and I don't ask anything of them..."
I go on to ask God to become my true resting place again... to restore me to the joy of my salvation. Guess what??? He has!!!! Through the love and care of my Heavenly Father, my Good Shepherd and through the grace and love of the greatest husband, I have FOUND REAL JOY beyond the laptop! Thank you JESUS!
I am at the library now. I will still come weekly to respond to emails, facebook, and read and update my blog.
I seriously want to challenge each of you to search your heart and recognize your source of comfort. If it comes from the screen you are now staring at please turn it off and open God's Word! It will change your perspective and your life!!!

Leaving you with this verse...
"... You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with JOY, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever" Psalm 30:11-12

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