Friday, November 19, 2010

November 14th: International Evangelical Church

Today was the only day it rained while we were in ET. Every other day the weather was in the 70’s and mostly sunny. It was beautiful and the warmth was inviting!

Brandon stayed in the hotel room all day while another family took me under their wing. The day started with a shower in our room! We then went to International Evangelical Church which is located right across the street from Kings. It was such a sweet experience! Having the opportunity to sing praises to God with people from SO MANY countries was a little taste of heaven. Singing songs like “Your grace is enough” and “The Stand” gave me chills and tears!

After church we went to L to spend time with the children. We then went to lunch with a group at Island Breeze. It is a great place to eat (with American food) that is run by an adoptive family. It has very fun island atmosphere. After lunch we went back to Churchill area for more shopping. I was able to get spices to make Ethiopian food (a LONG time from now when we can no longer remember what it tasted like coming up) and other great things.

When we got back to Kings I crashed. I was feeling worse and worse all day and I just fell into the bed. After hours of laying in bed feeling awful Brandon finally convinced me that holding back the vomit was not the best idea. Our new bathroom, while working, was not too nice. It had a STRONG sewer smell, so strong that I often plugged my nose when in the bathroom. The floor and walls were quite dirty and the shower was mildew central. It was livable and with a bucket of clean and hot water, some floor cleaner etc. we would have been set... anyway... So, I did end up throwing up, all night in fact, most likely once an hour... I lost track of how many times I made trips to the bathroom. I too had a fever. I was feeling like I was going to die in Ethiopia. It was so miserable. I just wanted to go home. Each time I popped out of bed I had to slip on my flip flops and then squat by the toilet. The floor was too dirty to sit on. All I wanted to do was lay on our bathroom floor at home!

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