Thursday, June 28, 2012

The 4th chair at our table

Sorry folks... I bet there are some of you who thought this title meant we had a big announcement.  This post has nothing to do with a future little for our family.  This is about our Jamie.  She spends at least one evening with us a week and we all love her like crazy.  M will tell you that the chairs at the table are "Mommy's chair, Daddy's chair, and Jamie's chair."  Jamie is such a blessing to our family and when she goes off to school this fall we will miss her greatly!  Here are a couple of recent photos of M and J! 
Jamie and I like to take retend naps!

Mommy put lots of candles on Jamie's Birthday cake. 

Awww... Cute!  Happy Birthday Jamie!

I like Birthday cake!

We like entertaining Mommy while she makes dinner. 

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