Friday, June 1, 2012

More funny things heard at our house!

Some are funny and some are thoughtful... enjoy!

"No share, people cry.  Yes share, people happy."  ~M continues to share quite well after our rough time this winter/spring.

M: What are you doing?
Brandon: going up stairs to get the superglue.
M: again?
Brandon: I am getting glue.
M: yellow too?
~I guess glue and blue sound a lot alike!

When I get M dressed I often sing "Stand up stand up for Jesus" when pulling up his pants and getting him to stand.  He loves the song and sings it quite often.  He made his own version this week which isn't super theology.

"Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of M...."  Yes, he did put himself in the place of "the Lord."  I think he might think he has some soldiers somewhere!  

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