Friday, April 5, 2013

Snack table adventures!

My grandpa made me this little table a long time ago.  Before T arrived on the scene it was filled with M's snacks each day.  T quickly grabbed and spilled every snack M put on there so it now is mainly an empty table unless he is actually eating.  T really likes this table.  These photos show the progression on T's strength and her love for adventure!

T: Sitting under the table is great, but I am feeling a bit trapped.

T: Pushing the chair and table is great.  What could be better?
T: OK, Standing on the chair and bouncing up and down is GREAT!!!  My plan worked!
I was helping M wipe when I came into the kitchen and found T standing on the chair.  She is fast and fearless. 

T: I think I can.  I think I can. I think I can.

T: I thought I could. I though I could. I thought I could!

T: Hmmm  Wonder what I can reach?

T: Yum, grapes!!!!
After the last photo we decided that the time had come for us to move the little table away from the counter because we were pretty sure we could predict what she was planning to do next!  Adventure is T's middle name!!!

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