Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Four" Real... in photos!

I wrote all about our son's Birthday HERE so you can read that if you want to.  This will mainly just be photos from the day.

M: I am REALLY Four!!!
M: Mommy made me a tow truck pancake for breakfast. 

M: Sing Happy Birthday to me... again!

M: Look at all these presents!

T: I woke up to a party, cool!  M: Yep, MY party! 

M: T, I am 4 now.  That is really big.  T: OK M, whatever you say.

I got a REAL soccer ball!
M: Look, I can make it work.

M: I finally got all my presents open. 
Yes, M is holding a photo of the "Jack In The Box" that he REALLY wanted.  We put out a plea on FB and didn't get any nibbles.  In the end we ordered it from Amazon, but sadly it wasn't here on the bit day.  We printed off a photo and wrapped it.  He was thrilled by the photo and excited to know it was coming in the mail soon!

T: So glad you had a Birthday M.  I loved my beans and I ate them all by myself.  (The post bean diapers have led us to decide T might not quite be ready for beans quite yet... digestive nightmare.)

M: I love this day!!!!

M: Sing it again!  I can't believe I had a Birthday cake and now a Birthday pie! (I love that he in pushing in his nose.  I used to do this when I was excited.  He looks cuter than I did.)

M: Blowing out candles is really fun and a little dangerous. 
The next day the Jack In The Box arrived during nap.  Daddy came home to watch M open it.  He was crazy scared of the Jack guy and only wanted us to open it.  He covered his ears and sometimes his eyes and sometimes he would run away when it was close to popping.  Even with all that "fear" of it he loved it and loves it still!

M: I can't believe it is really here!

M: Do it again Mommy.  T: I will do it, let me try!

M: I am not sure why Mommy told me to pretend to crank it and act surprised? 

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