Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The firehouse in our basement

Last month M became obsessed with sliding down one of the support poles (or a fire pole as he calls it) in our basement.  I was lifting him up so he could slide down countless times.  Finally I got wise.  We moved the clubhouse fort thing over to the pole.  He now can climb up that and then slide down the pole.  It is more of a workout for him, and he gets so great climbing motions which are great for regulation.  He also LOVES it.  The little fort is the fire station.  He has a bunk there (the bench) and he gets fire calls all the time. When a call comes in it sounds like this, "Cop-a-daw, Cop-a-daw" followed by a siren sound.  I have no idea where he came up with that. He must always put on his gear.  Sometimes it is just gloves.  Sometimes it is a cap and gloves.  Sometimes he needs his breathing apparatus as well.  Technically it is a net from a broken game, but he has found a new use for it.  I love his imagination.  Who knew what joy this pole and a butterfly net could bring my son?
M: Watch me slide down!
M: Here I go!
And now for a round with full gear...
M: First, I have to get on my gear!

M: The gloves can be a little tricky.

M: I am ready for another round with all my gear!

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