Monday, March 24, 2014

The Blessing and the Curse of FB

It has been a long time friends.  I have realized that my blog (and family photos and memories) have been neglected lately.  Other things are neglected too.  I don't spend time in the Word like I used to.  I don't read my parenting books as much as I would like.  I don't get a head start on dinner as I once did.  I have... are you ready for it... still not written Christmas thank yous... YIKES!  Yes, my life is crazy right now.  Yes, if I spend less time on FB in actuality I will prob just go to bed earlier and many of these things still won't get done... but there is a chance they will.  This is the time eating curse of Facebook.

So, do I get rid of Facebook?  Nope!  There is much blessing in FB.  It is a great way to organize play dates, encourage friends, and most importantly for me right now, connect with other trauma mamas.  I can't just get rid of FB. So what does that leave me with?  Well, I decided to allow myself 20 minutes a day on FB. This should be plenty of time most days. 

Now if you know me, you know that I am easily tempted.  I am a whole pan of brownies and whole bag of chips kind of girl.  I have a hard time just stopping something. Zero self control!   I also would have a hard time not checking throughout the day thinking that it would add up to 20 minutes, but knowing that it would add up to more. 

I know that I need help in my Facebook time limit challenge.  I thought and thought and came up with what I think is a great idea! I have asked Brandon to help me out with this.  My plan might sound crazy and childish, but I assure you I came up with it and it is what I need.  Brandon is going to change the password on my profile.  He will then log me in for my 20 minutes and then I will log out when I am done.   Seems simple.  We will see how it works.

I will still be checking email and I really hope to begin blogging again.  I have much to share about T turning two, our trip to the Smokies, and M's therapy updates as well as MANY, MANY photos.  I will post on FB when I begin updating the blog once again! 

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