Sunday, January 4, 2015

Early Winter Photo Catch Up!

This post is full of my kids being their crazy beautiful and fun selves.  There is no pattern to it, except cuteness!  Enjoy!

T: We match!  (Her dog's right ear came off!)

Jumping for joy at Playland!

M: I am really good at balancing!  M is using a homemade balance bike hoping to be on two wheels in the spring!

T: I love read to my baby! (She is such a sweet little mama)

M: Mommy look what I am doing!  (I was making breakfast)

One proud boy and one proud mama!

Kids: What is happening here?  (It looks like the aftermath of a storm, but really they just spread straw over new grass seed.)

M: I made an "eye" and an "i" and a "hi"

T: I going to jump over this!

The game of Life is really just about filling cars and spinning dials!
M: I really have to focus!

M: I did it!!!  (After no interest in puzzles this is a huge step for him!)

M: I love heavy work! (Sensory OT the home edition)

T: Heavy work is heavy!

T:  I just reading (This is how a sensory seeker reads a book, those are the inserts from M's boots)

M: This is the life!  (The Christmas issue of Oriental Trading was adored for several days!)

Is a second pic overkill?  Maybe, but you don't know how much he adored this thing!

M: YeeHaw I am an Ethiopian Cowboy!  (theme at iGnite)

T: I am an ever moving cow girl!

T: Who is ready to work out?

T:  I brushed my hair all by myself!

M: New GF play-doh is the best!

M: I like to keep Daddy's office board looking happy!

A sleeping T and some of her babies!

M: I am sharing my chair with T!  T: M shared with me!  I happy!

T: I got dressed all by myself!  (PJ pants, upside down socks, skirt, and T-shirt in cold temps, but all by herself)

T: I love paint when M at school!
There is only one way that I can get dinner started before Brandon gets home.  That is recruiting my kids to help in some way.  If I can get M stirring, he will continue for quite a while.  He doesn't take any chances on steam hitting him as you can see in the photo below.
M: Helping mommy cook is an intense job!

T: Yay!  M holding me!  M: I am a great brother.  (A moment that needed to be recorded!)

The below photos are from the kids time playing/working with Daddy in the work room.  I was upstairs blissfully washing dishes so I didn't experience all of this first hand, but I am so thankful they have an amazing dad to teach them about tools and safely and fun.

M: Is this the way it goes Dad? 

M: OK T, let's build a house!  T: OK!

T: This is really powerful!

T: Now I need to make it smooth.

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