Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Brandon's parents came to town for a long Thanksgiving weekend.  We enjoyed 3.5 days together.  Tom and Judy came armed with many wonderful things to do!  Judy brought some of her science things which led to 100's of vinegar and baking soda volcanoes which led to a trip to the store for more baking soda and vinegar :) They also brought some craft project things for the kids to make as Christmas presents for us.  Tom and Judy kept the kids busy for an hour working on their creations.  They were so proud to present them to us and help us open them.  They are not totally understanding of the "gift" part of them as they are now in each of their rooms.  Tom and Judy also took the kids swimming to the Y and to an indoor play area called Just for Fun.  It was such a blessing to have all this added help and a lightened load.  I was able to go to my discipleship group one morning and make a shopping trip another morning.  They even took the kids to play at church while I prepped the Thanksgiving feast so there was lots of good "mommy time" that happened over the 3.5 days.

M did an awesome job coloring this gift bag!
The kids were very eager for us to open the packages!
T: I wonder what could be inside?

TaaDaa!!!!  The kids made snowmen out of socks and rice and rubber bands.  They were so proud!

T: I just put in a TINY bit of chapstick mommy!

T with the Chapstick that just became hers!

M:  This is incredible!!!  Grandma Judy enjoying Science with M!

T: What is happening?
M:  I am going to beat you Grandpa Tom (races in the church nursery)

Reading books in the nursery!

Round two!

T: I can pour it too!

The kids LOVED experiments!

T: I can read it to you.  That me, that my brother, that my bed, I sleep on my bed, that my pillow, that my blanket.

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