Monday, October 12, 2015

Life Without Facebook

Today marks my 12th day without Facebook.  At this point life is still a bit crazy and I am beginning to wonder where I fit Facebook into the madness. Oh wait, I just stayed up later... that is right.  I am so thankful for all the great friends I am connected to beyond Facebook because even when I take a break, I can still chat with them other ways.  Here are 12 random thoughts from my 12 days without Facebook.

1. Facebook works so hard to entice me!  They send me about 4-6 emails a day about completely random things. "(Insert any friend) updated her Facebook Status"  Seriously Facebook?  Of course they don't tell me with the status is... I just have to sign back in.  They also post about pictures and event invites.  The irony... it makes me want to go back on Facebook even less.

2. The more you move the more you want to move.  I have been working hard since October 1st to get my steps each day.  Yes, I did ditch my Fitbit and opt for the old school pedometer that works while I am pushing strollers and carrying kids or other items.  I have worn a pedometer for almost a decade now, but took a break for about a year.  It feels so good to be getting steps again.

3. Fall Recipes make my house smell amazing!  Zucchini Bread (or muffins) and Apple Crisp are my current favorites!  Yummy!  I will post the modified recipes and links soon!  So tasty!

4. I miss the search engine that is Facebook!  Seriously, polling FB friends or FB groups is the biggest thing I miss about Facebook!  Questions about ballet slippers and Halloween Costumes and Corn Mazes... what is a girl to do?

5. I might actually like Fall a little!  We had a couple of warm sunny days this week and the Lake looked incredible!  The trees are so brilliant with color and it makes my heart smile.  Our Creator God is so HUGE and Mighty and controls everything in the Universe AND creates beauty in tiny little leaves. I changed my walking route so I can see the water in each walk.  So glad I did this!

6. Crock Pots Rock!  I just realized that I have been making something in my crock pot almost every day.  My kids are pretty game to try most foods these days and that makes my heart glad!  I love to cook and prep things ahead of time, without the rush and chaos of after school time.

7. M is learning like crazy!  It blows my mind to hear all that he is learning.  He is really loving school.  I am so thankful for his teachers and for the mind God has given him to learn.

8. Sometimes probiotics need anti-fungal!  After more that 4.5 years home, M is finally having some digestive progress now that he is taking a better probiotic with anti-fungal.

9. My princess is going to be so excited!  The kids Halloween costumes arrived (shhh don't tell them).  T is of course going to be a princess.  Her gown has batteries and lights in it.  It truly lights up!  I am so giddy as I think about how giddy she will be when she puts it on.

10. Visual Schedules are brilliant!  T goes to OT at a local University each week.  They have created several visual schedules for her to use for things like getting ready in the morning, leaving the house, meals, bed and nap.  They are super helpful at least part of the time which is progress!

11. NeuroFeedback here we come!  There will be a huge post about this coming soon, but just to let you know, we are starting SOON and we are excited, and nervous and thrilled and anxious all in one.

12. Photo blogs are coming.  This post is just a start.  The photo blogs are returning.  I am not sure how many people read this blog without Facebook reminders, but for you special people reading this now, more posts are coming.

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