Monday, November 23, 2015

Simple Joys!

In this season of thankfulness I have been trying to take the time to appreciate the small blessings in life!  I just decided to think of five off the top of my head.  I know I have many, many blessings I could list.  These are a bit random, but things I have especially appreciated this fall.

Several weeks ago a woman from church picked all the flowers from her garden before the frost got them.  She brought them to church for a centerpiece and then said I could take them home to enjoy.  The lasted for a week and brought me countless smiles each day.  What a blessing, what joy!

Each day both children are at school I enjoy a walk with an extended prayer time.  There is one street in town, "Grant Street," which I feel so blessed by.  It had gorgeous trees this fall.  It seemed the sun always shined when I was walking on Grant Street.  I took great joy praising God and thanking God while walking on Grant Street!

Throughout our Neurofeedback journey (the post about that will come tomorrow if I can get it done) I have been so surrounded by prayer warriors.  I have been humbled and in awe of God and the way He connects people in prayer.  Some of those who have been the most committed to pray have actually known our next steps just as we were making them.  Amazing God things!

This fall Brandon and M have been doing swimming lessons weekly at a local pool.  The price is incredible and the teaching is top notch.  The bond that M and Brandon have formed through the parent/child swimming class is one that 1000's of dollars of therapy could not produce.  It is so beautiful to see the change in M's heart to Brandon!

I learned in the last few months that T loves the local library!  It has so many special things for kids to play with.  It has: a house area, a train area, a lego area, a puzzle area, a coloring area, computers and of course books, movies and music.  T can spend hours their each week and we have very cherished time together.

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