Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Something (sort of) Like Chocolate Chip Cookies!

After the incredibly impressive brother/sister reading time in the morning, I was super pumped to have more brother/sister fun later in the morning.  I think I might have gone a bit to far.  I enjoy baking with M.  He is a great helper.  He is cautious and will listen well to follow the recipe.  T is quite impulsive.  When I bake with her I have to watch her and the ingredients very closely.  She loves to help and I learn to let go of perfection and let her help.  I am not sure what I was thinking, but I decided that the three of us would attempt Chocolate Chip Cookies.  For the typical American family this isn't a hard task, the recipe is on the back of the chocolate chip bag, right?  Well, for our family this involves many steps and special ingredients.  The first step was to shred the cocoa butter to make our own chocolate chips and freeze them.  Then we had to follow a very special paleo recipe.  The dough and the chocolate had to freeze for a while before we could bake the cookies.

Things started to go downhill pretty quickly.  Thankfully I am not totally nuts and I attempted this family baking time when Brandon was home.  I finally asked him to not leave the room so that he could keep an eye on them every time I turned my back.  The are so fast! We took turns adding ingredients and stirring.  With two adults and two kids I would have to say it went pretty well.

After the dough was ready we sadly realized the chocolate wasn't.  Looking back on the consistency of the chocolate I should have baked the cookies until they were almost done without the chocolate and then added the chocolate at the very end.  I didn't of course.

The cookies turned out to be very messy and look nothing like the real deal...BUT... they tasted GREAT!  I hadn't had any chocolate chip cookies since 2003 (12 years) so they were heavenly to me!  I ate way too many and didn't even care.  Yummy!!!!

Working together and taking turns is a big job! 
M: Stirring is hard work!
Wow!  We are the squinting family! 
T: Sometimes when I have to share I feel like this!  
T: Sometimes I like to share and feel like this!
M and T: We love cookie dough!!!
Fresh cookies right from the pan... they sort of fell apart when removed so it was easier to leave them on the pan. 

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