Saturday, July 16, 2016

Spring Pics - The Boy Edition!

This post is sort of "Part One" of a three part series.  Today's post will feature M and things he was into this spring.  Tomorrow's post will feature T and her interests.  The third day will be pics of both kids and family stuff.  I realized that I really needed to consolidate photo posts because we have so many to share.  These posts will get me through most of May!  Hooray, only two more months to catch up on!

M did a third session of swimming lessons this spring.  We continued to love them and were so thankful for swimming lessons during the school year so we can just focus on having fun at the pool in the summer!  M was very proud to have passed level one!  He took three unique classes this year.  We are trying to prepare him for taking level 2 a couple of times.  We heard kids typically don't pass it the first time around.
M:  It was so fun to be swimming with my friends.  
M: We were actually learning to swim! 
We went out to lunch after church one Sunday.  M was sitting between two big boys and he suddenly started to do the word find.  He truly knew how to do it!  It was the first time he had done one.  We were so proud of him and he really enjoyed it.

M:  So, there are a lot of words hidden on this picture and you have to find them.  
Apparently the work station was "Closde" 
T and I were out and about one morning and the guys were enjoying beautiful sunshine and lots of sports in the yard.  They decided to take a super sweet selfie! 

M: This rest is fun, but let's get back to play ball!

I have no idea...
M: This is my first super hero pose!
M: This is my second super hero pose. 

One Saturday morning the kids decided to make a restaurant.  M made a great menu.  The first line was the first menu.  By the second round you can see things got a lot funnier.   The first line options are tunafish, pancake, and wings.  The second line is baby, ground hog, and candles. 

M: Daddy and Mommy didn't know what to choose, a baby, a ground hog, or candles.  HAHA!
At the end of the school year the M's grade did an ABC countdown.  It was a super fun way to end the year, but it kept me on my toes during the end of the school year rush.  I was searching pinterest and found an easy pirate costume idea for "P" day.  The school supplied the patches.  I am NOT crafty so I was pretty proud of my creation.

M: I love my new pirate costume!
We live just one block from a great neighborhood park.  M loves to have cautious adventure and this hill fits his desires perfectly!
M: I just couldn't stop going down the hill! 
S is 16 months younger than M, but she is quite a bit taller.  Even though she is taller, they know who is older.  M loves playing with S.  They had so much fun on the trike.  He was giving her rides.  She didn't have a lot of room for her legs, but held them up well.  Major core and leg workout there! 

M: Hold on S!
M: Whee!!!!!
So Sweet!!!  This picture is just a treasure to me!

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