Thursday, September 15, 2016

Summer Playground Rec 2016

Every once in a while you make a purchase that proves to be worth so much more than you paid for it...the garage sale bike that is loved more than any other, the clearance shorts you wear every week, the jumbo box of bandaids that last more than a week. This summer we took a leap of faith and signed M up for the Summer Playground group. T still naps and we knew M would be so bored staying indoors at our house every afternoon.   We didn't know much about it when we signed up, but we thought it was worth a try.

The program takes place at several area parks. We signed M up for the park closest to our house.  The program runs for 8 weeks in the summer.  The kids can go for five afternoons a week. They go on outings and have fun at the park.  They don't just have free time and play on the jungle gyms.  They actually play camp like games all afternoon.  It is incredible.  The kids are a variety of ages.  M was so thankful that two boys from his class were at his park.  Most of the kids were older.  They all loved M.  His leaders were caring, hard working, kid loving young women.  We were blessed indeed!

The first day he screamed all the way there, but we really wanted him to try it.  Every day after that he couldn't wait to go.  He cried about missing it while we were on vacation.  He developed relationships with so many kids from elementary and middle school. It was such a blessing.  He can't wait to sign up again next summer.  T is very sad that she has to wait until after Kindergarten to go to a playground group.

One of his leaders shared some photos with us at the end of the summer.  I am thankful for these fun shots of his time with the park kids!

M: These are my amazing leaders!
Some of the crew on the last day!
M: I really like her!
M: Why not include another picture!

Riding the bus!
So precious!
M: Sometimes I like hanging out with the girls!

M: I had a great summer!
They gave out awards at the end of the summer. M earned the "Bust -a-Gut" award during the all group awards day and the "Best Laugh" award at his park awards day.  He does like to make others laugh!

M: I can't wait for next summer!!!

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