Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Christmas Program Take Two

Next it was T's turn for a Christmas concert.  She had been practicing for weeks so we were very familiar with her songs as well.  She was so excited for her concert and thrilled to wear her special dress.  

T: I felt so fancy!
We enjoyed watching the concert with other families from church.  Curt and Deb were able to come to T's concert and she told us she spotted them in the audience.

Happily waiting in a packed gym!
We were NOT going to make the same mistake with T's concert.  We literally screamed to her as she passed by.  She did spot us and we were all relieved.

T: I followed my class up to the stage. 

T loves to SING OUT.  We were no where near the front of the gym, but we could hear her voice well above the other voices.  It was't annoying, just clear and loud and sweet.  She got into every action and sang her little heart out... until she had to go to the bathroom.  After a potty break mid-concert she was back in business and sang out again.

T: I just love the actions. 

T: I wish I could do my concert again right now. 

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