Friday, January 27, 2017

Keeping it Real

This is going to be a pretty raw photo blog.  Perhaps you just want to skip it.  A much happier post appeared yesterday and I promise a happier post tomorrow.  Here's the deal, things get pretty real around here and this is a collection of December pics from after rages.  I will say that January is proving to be better in the rage department and we are so thankful!  Things are not easy, but we are not feeling the pain of December.  

I am not going to caption these photos, but rather write about what you are seeing above each photo.  

We went through a phase when anger would lead to knocking down/throwing every chair every day.  We just try to keep the rest of us safe.  After this rage she sat under the table and was able to calm down. 

Our main beloved therapist Dr S. and I decided to try a new approach with T.  I was going to be calm and present in a rage, and not respond or react.  This approach only lasted two days and was proved to be VERY unsuccessful.  T hurt me A LOT.  The bite marks formed raised bruises.  She also pulled my hair quite a bit.  I have several scars on my hands from this very bad two days. The pictures don't really capture the bruising and swelling, but you sure can see the scratches. 

I can't get the following photo to rotate, but you can turn your head and see that T raged while alone, watching Daniel Tiger.  We have no idea what triggered her.  

I promise a happier post tomorrow!

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