Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Mornings with my lady

T had afternoon 4K last year which led to a lot of Mommy and T time in the morning.  Some mornings felt really long.  Some mornings she watched too many youtube videos, her favorites are Ellie V. Toys unboxing videos.  Some mornings there were many tears. Many mornings were there projects and smiles and books and laughs.  I am thankful for our time together.  

We are so excited that our friends are all settled in their new home now.  Not long ago their kitchen looked like this. We popped over to say hello and T and L were just too cute in the camp chair.  
T: I loved being at L's new house!

T: L and I are very good buddies!
T and I spent a lot of time at the library.  One week she checked out a craft book.  Each craft needed many supplies, but we saw a picture of a castle and decided to try to make it.  We had SO MUCH FUN making this together.

Our castle!
Funny hat night at iGnite was a great idea until we actually put the hat on and T couldn't see.
T: The hat was a little heavy and I couldn't see anything. 

T is our girl on the go.  She loves to jump off furniture and is rarely still when awake.  Jenga is a VERY tricky game for a girl on the go.  You can't bump the table.  You have to wait for your turn.  You have to move slowly.  You have to be cautious.  With all this in mind, the tower below is an amazing accomplishment.

T: We sure made a tall tower.  It got even taller before it crashed. 

T gathered branches from all around to decorate her castle next to the slide.  No one was allowed to move them... ever.  They are gone now.  I wonder what will happen when she sees this photo.

T: These branches turn this landing into an amazing castle!

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