Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bobby times 150

After a late night at the potluck and fire we had a slow start to our Saturday.  In the afternoon the kids and I were able to go on a little adventure.  Some of our friends are part of a CSA and they were not able to go and pick up their food that week.  They invited us to pick up the food and enjoy it.  What a blessing.  

It took a little while to get to the farm.  The farmer gave us the food and invited us to come see her chickens.  There were A LOT of them.  She went and got a crate of damaged veggies and allowed the kids to toss things over to the chickens.  We asked her if the chickens have names.  She said every one has a name and they all have the same name, Bobby!  Their heads bob so that is how they got the name.  The kids fed them for a LONG time.  M loved throwing the tomatoes really far.  The chickens would flock to wherever the latest thing landed... like preschoolers on a soccer field!  It was hilarious.   I was able to appreciate the chickens so much more than usual since they were safely behind a tall fence!

I enjoyed talking with the farmer and she even showed me her home.  She and her husband built and live in a "tiny house."  While I have toured many of them on buzzfeed when I should be sleeping, I had never seen one in real life.  They are quite fascinating to me.  I think it would be fun to do as a couple, but pretty impossible with kids, at least for me.  

Our day turned out to be much more of an adventure than we imagined!

M: Watch how far I can throw this one!

The rest of our day was spent planning and packing for a spur of the moment trip to St. Louis to attend a funeral for Brandon's sweet Grandma Pat!

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