Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sunday Gifts!

The day after Super Saturday is always pretty low key around our house.  I am very drained and I think everyone else is too.  M went to a soccer tournament with our dear friends.  He gets to spend time with them almost every Wednesday and many Sundays too.  They have been an incredible blessing to all of us.  While at the tournament they were able to purchase jerseys.  The family got one for M and M couldn't believe it.  He loves it and wears it all the time.  

M:  I love being with K and J!
While M was with our dear friends we enjoyed a beautiful day with T.  I am pretty sure this was the day we biked the long way to the Lake and back.  We took the trail the long way each way to avoid the steep inclines so it was over 5 miles.  T did so great!  She collected many rocks at the beach and we headed home.

Once home T and Brandon gathered tomatoes in the garden.  T LOVES to garden and squeals with delight every time she finds a tomato.  We thought we were not going to get any tomatoes this year, but then were surprised with a small crop in late Sept and October.  They were a surprise gift in our garden!

T: My little arms can reach way in there. 

T: Look at all our tomatoes! 

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