Friday, December 22, 2017

Bowling with the kids

At some point in the early part of November I took the kids bowling one Saturday afternoon.  When we arrived there were 3 or 4 Birthday Parties happening and literally one open lane.  This meant that both kids got to bowl in their street shoes, which they loved.  This also meant that T couldn't have the little animal helper thing while she bowled.  

We ended up bowling two games and by the end of the second game we were the only ones out there and T had her special friend.  I quit pretty early on in the second game and let the kids bowl for me.  I was using a very heavy ball and had a sore thumb in the second game... I know... lame old mom haha.  BUT the kids were more than happy to take over my turns!  

T: This is my best form. 

M: This is my best form!

T: Don't worry mom, I am really good at taking selfies!

The cutest bowlers around!

M: I LOVED programming the computer!

T: The second game was easier because I had this little friend!  First I dropped the ball...

T: Then I watch it roll!

After bowling the kids needed to burn through some of their hard earned money!  M played the racing game and T opted for the candy crane where she won all dairy candy.  Sigh...

M: This is going to be so fun!

M: I am totally passing this guy!

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