Saturday, December 30, 2017

We're Getting Ready For Christmas!

We got home from our Thanksgiving travels on Sunday night and spent most of the day and evening Monday decorating for Christmas.  It was so much fun to set things up with Brandon during the day.  After school both of the kids went with Brandon to T's last gymnastics class.  When they got home we ate a quick dinner and then decorated the tree as a family.  There was a bit of sabotage, but overall it was a pretty good event!  I love sitting by the glow of the Christmas lights once the kids are in bed!  

We have a table in our front room which contains special Christmas decorations from many women who are now with Jesus.  The tree in the middle is from Brandon's paternal grandmother.  The Santa is from Brandon's maternal grandma.  The church and angels are from my maternal grandmother.  The music box the church is on is from my paternal great-great aunt.  It is so special have these decorations from such special women. 

A great spot to rest my eyes!

Finally dinner was over and it was time to decorate! First we have to survey ornaments and talk about special ones.

M: Oh, the airplane one.  I love this one!

M: I am really going to spread them out this year!

T:  I am planning to go with a clump again this year!

Our tree is decorated! 

Sometimes they really get along!

M: I need you to take a picture of this Santa!

T: Can you see me hiding under the tree? 

We are not really sure why the Santa figures are front and center at the nativity?!

T: I couldn't wait to set this all up!

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