Tuesday, May 1, 2018

My Little Llama visited!!

After waiting what seemed like forever, my Jamie, my Jamie girl, my Little Llama came home for a visit.  Jamie has been so special to our entire family for many many years.  During her time in the Marines we weren't able to see her very much.  Her visits were always very short.  Thankfully this was a longer visit.  Jamie was supposed to be home for a week, but it got stretched to more like two weeks due to some car trouble.  I know her hubby, her pup and horses at home were missing her, but we were SO THANKFUL for extra Jamie time!  She and M even got to have a date day while T and I went to Dr. appointments.  Jamie came over a few times when the kids were at school so we could have some conversations sans kids.  This NEVER happens.  My favorite day with Jamie was the day she spent almost the entire day here.  She did laundry and mapped out some dreams for the future and I cooked meals for the family to eat during Brandon and my Mexico trip.  I also made some freezer meals for a friend with a preemie.  The goal was 13 meals in one day.  I didn't quite get there because I ran out of ingredients.  This is quite an accomplishment because I didn't really plan ahead for this day, but I had almost all the ingredients already!  It was such a treasure to just spend time with Jamie.  We are so excited to see what the next chapters hold for our dear friend!  

M: I taught Jamie Yahtzee!
Jamie has great Play-doh skills!

Check out the dress!

While this isn't my greatest photo, I am thankful for Jamie and that I have a child willing to take a photo of us!

T is quite an expert too!
T was so excited to have this special note on her pillow!

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