Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Easy Listening

It may be 2018, but I try as much as possible to give my children glimpses of what it was like to grow up in my generation. We introduced both M and T to a "disc man" this spring.  We get Adventures in Odyssey from the library and they are able to listen to them anywhere.  M has become addicted to them.  I personally love the storylines and am more than fine with him enjoying them, though we do have to set limits.  It is hard to describe the joyful heart I have to see our children still use and understand CD's.  
M: I just love Adventures in Odyssey!

She's Unique!

Our sweet T has a style all her own!  As far as I remember, her outfit and hair were just "regular" clothes not connected with any sort of wacky day... although I could be wrong.  She loves to embrace unique styles. She also loves to pose many different ways when she is in the right mood. 
T: I think this would be a good pose. 

T: Now just take a regular one. 

T: Like all my fancy girls? 

T: We went on an errand with Daddy. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

This "many post a day thing" is pretty fun.  I am already up to Mother's Day!  Mother's Day 2018 was by far my best Mother's Day ever.  Most years I have to have a recovery day on Monday which we call "Mother's Day observed."  A special day for me is usually too much for my crew to handle and sabotage goes into affect.  This year we tried to make it as normal of a day as possible and it worked. We dealt with normal issues and normal levels of emotions.  I am so thankful for this! 

After church the kids wanted to play in the sandbox... together.  I wasn't thrilled about their newly showered bodies with church clothes in the sand, but I was very thrilled that they were playing nicely together.  M kneeled on an old towel and they managed to stay pretty clean.  

M: I actually like playing in the sand sometimes. 

I have always wanted pictures with the kids on Mother's Day, but it rarely happens.  M did decide to put on his PJ top, but that is really him, so I am fine with that.  I am so thankful for sweet photos of sweet memories with my kids from this special day.

I love these too!

M:  I made Mom this card at school. 

M: I think she liked it!

M: I really do love her. 

T: I made lots of gifts for Mommy!

M: I even made her some pottery!

That afternoon Brandon took the kids on a bike ride and to a park while I went for a quiet walk alone.  It was very peaceful for me and adventurous for the crew.  M discovered some great evergreen trees at the park.  The many branches make them easy (and fairly safe) to climb.  M can go VERY high!  What fun!

M: I was up SO HIGH!

M: Can you find me? 
Some friends were also at the park.  K joined T in sliding down the picnic tables.

T: First you climb up like this.

T: Now you slide down like this. 

After the climbing the kids found a dog they needed to love on!

M: I didn't want to leave him. 

It was a good day!

T's creations

T loves to create things wherever she goes.  She often wants us to take a photo of her creations.  
The Jenga game is kind of boring, but the blocks are great!

T: I made a fun Lego house at the library. 
T: Look at this picture I drew on the library computer. 

Local Wildlife

Our home may be located in the middle of our community, but that doesn't stop wildlife from walking through our yard.  We have seen many different types of animals in our years here.  The deer love our yard and our garden.  We are constantly having to modify fences to protect our garden.  I do find the wildlife enjoyable even if they do eat our plants and leave presents all over our yard. 

One morning I went out for a walk and met this Mallard pair.  They were right on our front step when I walked out, but flew waddled to the street before I could get a picture. 

Just out for a morning stroll!

One evening after the kids went to bed Brandon and I sat out on the patio and enjoyed the lovely weather.  While we were sitting a deer just walked right through the yard.
He wasn't afraid to get pretty close. 

Deer: Man, they are watching... I will come back for a snack later. 

iGnite Parent's Night

M and T had another successful year at iGnite, the church's midweek ministry for children.  It is hard to believe that a new season of iGnite will start before we know it.  There will be some changes to the program this year.  I am praying our our whole family will grow in our Scripture memory as we learn the verses each week!  

Happy Children among friends!

The end of an era

T had to say good-bye to two Occupational Therapists this spring.   One of the OT's was a student at a local University.  T has been blessed to participate in their pro-bono clinic for several years.  We learned that the clinic will switch its shift this fall and T will not have therapy there.  We are so very thankful for all of the tools and knowledge we have gained through their OT program.  M was also able to do one semester there.  We saw major improvements for him as well. 

T: I love my OT's

The second good-bye was to Miss Alyssa.  T actually saw Alyssa at the pro-bono clinic and then became her client in a therapy setting.  Alyssa was great with T.  We are excited that Alyssa will be working at a children's hospital in our area, but we are sad that we will not get to glean wisdom from her anymore.  

T: I really miss Miss Alyssa. 

As have started to see a new occupational therapist, Miss April.  She is fantastic too.  We have been so blessed with such an amazing group of people to partner with our family as well work on many different skills. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Our Artist!

This Spring one of M's drawings was featured in an art show at our library.  The library happened to be doing some renovation during our first visit so we took the pictures at two different times. 

M's Food Man. 

The whole wall of art. 

M: It was fun to see my picture on display. 

M: See, it is that one right there!

How is this comfortable?

T often struggles with body awareness and has a very high pain tolerance.  She craves contact and deep pressure.  She gets herself into the strangest positions sometimes... and she thinks they are comfortable and normal.  

T: Squatting on the ledge IS the best way to rinse a plate!
T: This IS the best way to watch youtube videos. 

Family Rules!

She created these rules on her own... and she is still working on them!

In case you can't figure out her writing, I will translate.
Confession: I hope she never learns to spell :)

Rules for our family
1. Say you're sorry if you hurt your mom or dad.
2. Accept "no" even if you don't want to do it.
3. Don't argue even if you want to fight.

Crazy Hair Day!

T went all out for "Crazy Hair Day" at school!  She and Brandon had great fun making her style!  It fit her personality very well!

Daddy is really good at this!

T: Ta Da!

A close up!

Pool Deck Buddies

M and T take school district swimming lessons every Saturday morning during the school year.   As M has progressed into higher levels, they are unable to take classes at the same time.  Each child brings things to do and hangs out on the pool deck while the other swims.  Brandon generally brings the kids and works on his sermon while they swim.  I generally run errands and get in a walk. 

T: I played with this girl every week, but I don't know her name. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

The lost shall be found!

This picture seems like such a simple photo of M holding a few library books.  To me, it is so much more than that.  You see, M loved the Cul-De-Sac Kids books this Spring and we were checking them out of the library left and right.  After reading the books he would take Accelerated Reading tests on them at school.  He would bring in the books so he could find the right titles and authors.  Many books were going back and forth and these three books were not coming home.  I renewed them and then I renewed them again and we still didn't see them.  I searched the house over and over again.  I sent notes to the teacher and she had the kids look in the book bins and in the desks.  The books were MIA.  I called the library and they gave us an additional month to find them.  

One day after school M told me he found the books.  I was happy until he told me he was joking.  Then a few weeks later, just when I had given up hope of ever seeing the books again he told me once again that the books had been found.  I scolded him on the way to the van telling him I wasn't in the mood for jokes.  He then told me he was totally serious.  A girl in his class found one on a classroom shelf and then another and then another.  They were all found.  I was so overjoyed that I shouted and clapped and cheered and maybe even cried.  I felt just like the woman in the parable of the lost coin!  So much joy!  

Ironically, I just called the library yesterday about an Adventure in Odyssey CD that is missing.  The library gave us an additional month to find it.  I have searched everywhere.  I fear that it was set on an open book and then the book closed and was returned to the library and we will never find it.  I will keep you all posted.  
M: This was a very happy day!

Jam Session

In a previous post I mentioned that M only played his Ukulele for a couple of days.  I guess based on the timing of this photo he played it a bit longer.  It is fun to hear the kids make music together.  M likes to play without singing.  When he does sing it is lyrics he knows.  T is a free spirit and she she is in constant improv mode.  She combines lines from all her favorite songs, the whoas of her life, and her passions and belts out creative tunes. Each time she free styles I imagine her as an adult singing in a park and collecting donations! 

T: How does this sounds M? 

M: We need a lot more practice. 

Laces Club!

This April T mastered the art of tying her shoes.  She practiced a lot.  In fact, I would say she is more confident in her shoe tying skills than her brother.  She was very proud to be a part of the Laces Club!

T: I am in the club!!!

Take our picture!

Some days your daughter puts on lots of make-up and your son gets a new hair cut and they just want their picture taken.  My heart rejoices when we capture the moments of joy! 

T: I look like an adult here! 

Such a sweet boy.

T: I love my brother so much.  M: Sometimes T is pretty sweet. 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

A posting spree!

I fell asleep with the kittens tonight and then woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep so I decided to blog a bit.  I looked through my drafted posts and realized there were several posts with photos in them from back in April.  I decided to post them all together so if you want to check them out you can scroll through them.

I now have a fresh start and thousands of photos from April - August to look through.  Hopefully I can get some sleep and do some more blogging tomorrow!

The mid April snowstorm

I wrote about this post back when it actually happened... on April 16th.  You can read my description of the day HERE.  It is very rare that church attendance is greatly affected by a snowstorm in mid-April. 

It's beginning to look a lot like mid April? 

M got snowball makers as a 1/2 Birthday gift but wasn't able to use them because the snow wasn't the right texture.  This wet snow was perfect and they were fun to use!

T: I am glad we got to make snowballs!

T: Daddy really got me good!

M: This is so much fun!

Such a poor and confused robin wondering why he came back to early!!

The WAVES called us!

One day in April M and I were driving into town and we saw something crazy!  We were still very far from the Lake and we could see HUGE waves breaking!  The waves beckoned us to the Lake and were were in awe.  We went back later with Brandon and T.  We took some photos and also got some photos from friends and even grabbed a couple from an online news source.  The whole Lake swelled and everything was extremely powerful.  It is hard to describe in words or pictures, but it was intense to experience. 

The water coming over the breakwater and into the parking lot!
SO much water!
Here are some photos from others:

A view from the Bluff!

Insane waves!

Not a good day to walk out to the lighthouse!