Saturday, September 1, 2018

Bounce, Play, and Swim!

One spring day at the start of Memorial Day weekend we headed to some friend's house for a playdate.  They have an incredible barn with foam crash pads and ropes for the kids to do some awesome deep impact activities.  It was really hard to get any of this in a photo.  

T was able to try a pogo stick.  She has a lot of learning to do, but since I was willing to do a photo blitz I got a couple of photos where it really looks like she can bounce. 

T: I didn't even realize I was this good at it!

T: I think I was about to crash!

When we left the friends house it was over 80 degrees.  We decided to stop at the lake to cool off.  When we got near the water the temps dropped and dropped and suddenly it was just over 60.  I tried to convince the kids to stay dry, but that clearly didn't happen!

T: I am just going to get my feet wet. 

M: Just skipping a few rocks. 

And I gave in and they got very wet!

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