Saturday, January 19, 2019

It finally snowed FOR REAL

While my posts might talk about the events in our lives last August... it is actually January 19th... and we work up to lots of snow this morning!  We have had a very mild winter with very very little snow, like I am not sure if we have had any snows over one inch before today.  Last night I stayed up and watched the snow fall.  It was so peaceful, but there wasn't much of it.  It was very windy last night so it is hard to say exactly how much snow we got, but it is safe to say it was over six inches!  This morning the kids were SO EXCITED to see snow on the ground and more coming down.  I made the kids pancakes and then everyone got dressed for the weather and headed outside.  The kids played, Brandon shoveled, and I walked.  Walking through deep snow is a big work out.  The wind chills were in the single digits, but I was sweating more than I do in the summer. It continued to snow a tiny bit all day long.  It was such a beautiful day.  We did take a couple of pictures so some day... hopefully next month I will be caught up enough to post pictures from today!

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