Saturday, January 19, 2019

Seriously, NINE?

*While I am VERY behind in blogging I was thankful to discover that I must have taken a few minutes on M's Birthday to write about the day and draft a post!  I am glad I did because I would not have remembered it if I hadn't!

It is hard to believe I have a nine year old son (now almost 9 1/2 haha).  While there have been many days through the years that feel weeks long, the years fly by!  I am so thankful for the eight years we have had with M.  He is our very loved son!

Our day started with presents for the Birthday Boy and the 1/2 Birthday Girl!  I was almost as excited as the kids because I knew the last present they opened would be the kitten reveal box!!!

M was excited about many of his gifts!  They were both SO EXCITED about the news that our family would soon be getting two kittens.  I wasn't sure what I was saying yes to, but I knew it had the potential to be good.  Now looking back the cats have been one of the best gifts our family could ever get.  We are so so thankful for them!

M: This is a lot of presents!

M: Whoa!  Cool!!  (sadly unimpressive in reality)

T: I am excited about my 1/2 Birthday gifts!

M: These should last me a while!

T went to Dollar Tree and spend lots of time looking for the perfect gift for M and then spending her own money on it.  She was so proud to give him a gift that she picked out and bought and wrapped!

T: I really hope he likes it!

M: Wow T, this is cool! 

T: I am so glad he liked the gift!

She also gave him the sweetest card!  She can be just darling when she wants to be!

M: Thanks T!

"Dear M, thank you for loving me and for helping me when I need you and for showing me the right thing to do. Keep up the great work M Love T."


M: What is in this BIG BOX? 

M: Help me open it T!

M: There was a note in the bottom saying we could get kittens!

T:  I was pretending to be a kitten.

After opening gifts it was time to quickly get things ready for M's party. We had an unique sort of party from 9:30-11:30.  M invited several boys who love to play outdoors (some of them several years older than him) to a local park for some "wood chips" dodgeball, and kickball.  It was sort of a thrown together party (or so it felt) but it was exactly as M wanted it.  I wanted to hang up decorations etc but he said no!  He wanted to play games and eat and be with friends.  M has a tricky time with friends at times so it was a true gift to have such special boys at his party.  None of them go to his school, but all of them care for M.  The older boys were such good sports with M.  I was proud of them and thankful that they were willing to be a part of the party.

A pretty intense game of wood chips!


Two games in and time for a cake break!  The cake turned out fine, but the frosting was horrible.  I have since found quality frosting.  The boys didn't really complain so I was thankful for that.

M: It was so windy we couldn't get the candles to light.

Hungry boys!

After some cake and snacks it was time for Kickball.

M: I am glad the kids all liked kickball.

We ended the party opening up gifts.  The gifts were thoughtful and you can tell that the boys knew what M was into.

M: Everyone was so generous.

M: I got GREAT gifts!

M: I have great buddies!!

T:  I am so glad that L likes to climb with me!

After the party and bringing a couple families home we quickly got home and ate lunch and then T and I took M to soccer camp.  He didn't know if he wanted to go on his Birthday, but he had a great time that day.

After soccer we went to a pool that is close to the soccer place and then played at the park near that pool. While were were at the park we were able to FaceTime my parents at meet the kittens at my grandma's house.  The connection wasn't good so my mom texted us several photos (see the next post) and we were able to meet the four baby kittens.

T wanted me to take several photos of her.  It is still quite hard to celebrate someone else's Birthday, but she is growing in her tolerance for sure.
T: Do you like my pose? 
We wanted M to choose how to spend his evening and he requested screen time.  He was able to get in 10 minutes before dinner and an hour after dinner. 

It took him a while to wind down at bedtime, but was still sleeping before 8:00!  This was probably his least drama filled Birthday ever.  We are excited to see what year nine is like for our son! 

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