Tuesday, September 29, 2020

School year week one happenings

9/9 (Wednesday) - T did her first yoga on zoom.  It went OK, but wasn't her favorite. 

T: Yoga is OK.

They both crawled up on their own.  So sweet!

T: When I work up I couldn't believe they were on me. 

T sharpened LOTS (probably over 100) pencils and was so proud of her dirty hand!

T: Look at how dark it is.  

T: Take a picture of the other side too!

I delivered Sunday School packets for a couple of hours in the afternoon with T and a couple of hours in the evening on my own.  I took pictures of each family as I delivered packets so I needed one of our family too.  It turned out very well. 

Looking like best buds!

9/10 (Thursday)  Today the kids and I did a four hour delivery route all over the county.  We FINISHED delivering all the packets and celebrated with take out from one of our favorite places.  

I wanted to share a couple of pictures of my zucchini.  This plant looks so huge and lovely, but sadly has only yielded 2 zucchinis all summer.  It has had LOTS of flowers, but they just fall right off.  I learned that we had been overwatering it.  I was struck with some spiritual parallels between overwatering and bearing no fruit.  If all we do as Christians is take in more and more knowledge, but never put it to practice, we are overwatered but not producing fruit.  I know, that is a pretty deep thought about zucchini.  

A beautiful plant. 
So many flowers, but no plants!

T: I became a part of my art!

We were hoping for an early bedtime, but M's pants held us up.  He likes to tie them so tightly and sometimes ties them many times.  His knot was so tight that it took many tools and over 30 minutes to get it out.  The pants are new and favorites so we couldn't just cut the string... but we were getting tempted. 

M:  Maybe I won't tie it so tightly next time...

9/12 (Saturday) T had a major accomplishment!  She finished her 550 piece puzzle.  She had been working on it for months and I did end up helping her a little bit the last day.  I am so proud of her diligence.  

T: Take this silly pic mom!

T:  My first big puzzle!!!  It took me all summer, but I finished!

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