Tuesday, April 30, 2013

pancakes, bathtub, bikes, and basketball

We have been having fun and making memories at our house.  We have been celebrating victories.  Last Monday night we moved T and Brandon to T's room.  She has been sleeping in her big girl crib for the past several nights and has had some success.  The transition has not been perfect, but I am sure waking up in a strange room is different and hopefully her restless nights will be over soon. 

M has been staying in his crib all night and last night for the first time since before China he slept alone in his room all night long (Friday night, I am writing this Saturday)! He is so very proud of this.  The nightmares are getting better. He only woke up once in the middle of the night and after a bathroom break and a quick cuddle in the rocking chair he was back to sleep. Please keep up the prayers for sweet sleep for our family! 

*Update: M has slept alone for 3 of the last 4 nights!  Yahoo!!!!  So proud of him.  He has been having night terrors every single night lately.  They are like clockwork 45-60 minutes after he falls asleep (first REM cycle).  He screams a horrible scream and I race up the stairs.  I start talking as I walk in the room.  I say, "You are OK, M is OK, Mommy is here, Jesus is here." I take him to the bathroom, and then rock him for a few minutes.  I am quite sure that he never wakes up the entire time.  He has no memory of them in the morning.  I feel it is progress to notice the pattern and have a system for handling it.  Apparently this is common in kiddos his age and once I realized that he wasn't really awake everything clicked that they are terrors and not nightmares that he wakes up from and can talk about.

I attempted to make shaped pancakes a few weeks ago.  I am just not super crafty or artsy, so if my pancakes are not as quality as your third grade daughter's I am cool with that.  My son was impressed which equals success.  We have pancakes together every Saturday morning.  We recently figured out that T loves them too so I think mommy is going to have to start making a double batch soon.

Mommy made me this Mickey Mouse pancake!

Then she made me a car, then a truck, and then a snake. (The snake was an accident as I was distracted while pouring.  It also sort of looks like a foot complete with a leg knee and some shorts at the top... strange)

We are in a boat!

Where are we off to caption T?

"I'm in the dirties"  (he was saying this over and over again while sitting there)

So speedy on the bike.  I can't believe he couldn't pedal a couple months ago.
Final Game in NCAA.  M stayed up until 10:30 watching with Daddy.  They are getting a better view. 

T: I want to pedal too!

M and T: We have got the neighborhood protected.

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