Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A busy season

We had another eventful day with the kittens!  Scroll up to read our special kitten story.  We took them to the vet today and learned that they are both BOYS!  I have a soft spot in my heart for boy cats and my mom and I guessed they were boys so it feels like a victory.  Of course they would be just as special if they were girls.  We learned that only 5% of orange cats are female so I guess it makes sense that they are boys.

As I posted the kitten post I realized that the previous post was about an event that took place during Spring Break week back in March, half a year ago!  I blogged about it in May, but it happened in March.  That led me to reflect on all that has happened in our family and church in the last six months to cause me to take so much time off of blogging.

I want to write a post about what I have been up to the last several months.  This is the type of post that I usually "draft" and don't post.  I don't want it to sound like I am overworked or that I am complaining.  I also don't want it to sound like I am bragging or prideful.  I simply want to document all that went on in my little stay at home mom world in the last several months.  Perhaps some might wonder what a stay at home mom does while her children are in summer programs.  Sadly, the answer never seems to be house projects. Haha!

The rest of this post is an update on what I have been up to the last six months.  I will write about M and T's lives too, but this post is just about me.  If you think you might be prone to view this a complaining or bragging or boring, feel free to skip the rest of this post.

This year I took on the role of nursery coordinator.  It is a volunteer position which I love serving in.  The only tricky times of year are the three times when I need to recruit volunteers.  I can officially say that as of this afternoon I have all the volunteers needed for the fall!  This doesn't mean I couldn't use a few more subs, so if you are reading this and feel inclined, there are spots open for you.  :) Anyway, I have a few more days of heavy lifting with the nursery for the fall.  I need to make the schedule live and prepare for nursery training, but other than that, the position runs quite well with just an hour or so of prep each week.

Besides coordinating the nursery this spring brought on prep for VBS and our big adoption event in June.  I was able to be the Bible story station leader for pre-school VBS.  Oh wow did I fall in love with 4K/5K kiddos.  They are eager to learn, ask great questions, and give the sweetest answers!  Just one week after VBS was over our big Adoption Connection event took place.  Coordinating it is a giant undertaking and this year was no different.  It is all kinds of amazing the night of, but a lot to prepare for beforehand.  There are dozens of incredible volunteers who come together and create a very special night for adoptive families in the area. This year I was blessed to speak and really enjoyed preparing my first ever presentation with "Keynote."

This summer I got to try my hand at a few children's messages.  Our church as children's messages during the service in the service.  I had great fun with the kids.  I enjoy helping them think through the upcoming sermon and I love hearing their answers to the questions though I often hold my breath before giving the microphone to M or T because I have no idea what they will say.

Once VBS and AC were behind me, I was able to do something I have long dreamed of... church organizing!!!  I spent a big chunk of time during several weeks sorting through storage closets at church.  The children's ministry storage was located in 13 locations around the church.  Every single location had markers!  There were years and years of VBS bins simply labeled "VBS" with no idea what was in them.  It took countless man hours to gather things and sort them and it was INCREDIBLE!!!  I had more fun than I can remember having.  It was hard work and sometimes dirty and sweaty in the attic, but it was so much fun!  If you know me well you know that I am truly not being sarcastic.  I  had the time of my life.  I would work all morning while the kids were in activities and then transfer the kids and work all afternoon.  Then once the kids were in bed I would sometimes go back for more.  We are now going to have one central location for Children's ministry storage!  Yahoo!!  We also had a rummage sale which helped us get rid of many unused things. It was hard work and not very sustainable long term since we still needed to eat etc, but it was quite fun.

The areas are now sorted for the most part, but we are still waiting for pick up/disposal of items that no one purchased at the rummage sale.  It will feel so good to have everything in its place before classes start in the fall.

Speaking of the fall, the last few weeks have also been spent recruiting for the nursery fall schedule.  It is a big task, but thankfully behind me.  This fall I am looking forward to teaching the 4K/5K Sunday School class each week.  I caught the preschool bug this summer and am eager to hang out with those kiddos again.  I will also be helping with youth group on Wednesday nights and preparing for our big adoption fundraiser in September.  Our church is also beginning its capital campaign in September so it is overall a very busy time for me, our family, and the church.

The business never ends. After the Adoption event Christmas program planning and planning for the newly moved winter AC and winter nursery recruiting will begin.  The thing is, the business can be beautiful and I am blessed to be in a season where I can take on more responsibilities at church because my kids are in school full time.  It is a joy and privilege to be a part of a ministry family.

Besides the church volunteering I am still attempting to survive rock the mommy gig.  I also try to go on a long walk each day.  I have enjoyed walks with friends and phone chats while walking.  I have gone on a couple summer vacations, hit the area pools, attended a few festivals and a couple of fairs.  There will be many many photos blogs to come which will document many special summer highlights!

I am hoping to find more of a balance once the school year begins so that I take time to prep meals and keep the house running as well as do the different volunteering roles at church.  I am also hoping to carve out a lot more time to blog again.  It is so refreshing to write and reflect and to remember the sweet photos!

Two blog posts in two days... I might just try for a third post tomorrow!

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