Monday, August 27, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

This "many post a day thing" is pretty fun.  I am already up to Mother's Day!  Mother's Day 2018 was by far my best Mother's Day ever.  Most years I have to have a recovery day on Monday which we call "Mother's Day observed."  A special day for me is usually too much for my crew to handle and sabotage goes into affect.  This year we tried to make it as normal of a day as possible and it worked. We dealt with normal issues and normal levels of emotions.  I am so thankful for this! 

After church the kids wanted to play in the sandbox... together.  I wasn't thrilled about their newly showered bodies with church clothes in the sand, but I was very thrilled that they were playing nicely together.  M kneeled on an old towel and they managed to stay pretty clean.  

M: I actually like playing in the sand sometimes. 

I have always wanted pictures with the kids on Mother's Day, but it rarely happens.  M did decide to put on his PJ top, but that is really him, so I am fine with that.  I am so thankful for sweet photos of sweet memories with my kids from this special day.

I love these too!

M:  I made Mom this card at school. 

M: I think she liked it!

M: I really do love her. 

T: I made lots of gifts for Mommy!

M: I even made her some pottery!

That afternoon Brandon took the kids on a bike ride and to a park while I went for a quiet walk alone.  It was very peaceful for me and adventurous for the crew.  M discovered some great evergreen trees at the park.  The many branches make them easy (and fairly safe) to climb.  M can go VERY high!  What fun!

M: I was up SO HIGH!

M: Can you find me? 
Some friends were also at the park.  K joined T in sliding down the picnic tables.

T: First you climb up like this.

T: Now you slide down like this. 

After the climbing the kids found a dog they needed to love on!

M: I didn't want to leave him. 

It was a good day!

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