Monday, January 30, 2012

A little sledding, story time, Miss Patty Cake, and early intervention

M and I have been enjoying many new things in 2012! We have had snow a few times this month and M has embraced it. After a few falls over Christmas he learned he needs to be brave if sledding is on the line. M loves to sled. He loves to go fast! We live on a hill which provides him with great places to sled. M loves sledding down our driveway. Brandon actually was sledding with M right after a snow (but before people shoveled) and they were able to sled down our driveway, turn the sled 180 degrees and sled all the way down our street (on the sidewalk or course). I am sure that was quite a sight to see. M really really enjoyed it! I went out with them the first day and treasured the memories that were made. Since then I have taken that time to cook or clean after a meal, but I can still see a lot of activity from the windows. I can’t describe the joy in my heart to see my men playing and laughing together!

This January we started attending story time at the local library. They do a super job not only reading books but also doing music, finger games, dancing, and playing. M loves it. I really enjoy getting to know other women I would otherwise never meet. We have even been invited on a play date! These moms and little ones are our mission field right now. We are so thankful to be starting relationships with many special people.

Miss Patty Cake is M’s new hero! Seriously, we have one CD (Colors, Numbers, ABC’s) that we gave him for a one year home gift. He sits on a little blanket next to the CD player and listens to every word. He does actions and focuses in on her Bible Stories. He is learning so much from her and her songs are fun and catchy too! I would highly recommend her stuff to everyone. I would joyfully accept any old CD’s any of you might have around haha.

One other new development in our lives has been starting the initial screening for Birth to 3 services with our county. M is doing very well in most areas, but we want to make sure he is on track. Right now he is getting evaluated and there is a possibility he will need some help with sensory areas. We are blessed by these services and want to do all we can to help M in any areas that he may be lacking without our knowledge. Almost every state has these free services available. I so highly recommend getting every child evaluated. I know you might think I am silly for saying this, but as parents we often miss things that are right under our noses. We assume (esp with the first child) that behaviors are normal and progress is where is should be. Quite often we are right, but sometimes we are wrong. In those moments where we realize that our children can’t (see well, are behind verbally, have a deeper food issue, have hearing loss) do something or experience something we almost always wish we would have known sooner. This is why we are being proactive. Will M have OT in our home long term? Will our schedule be forever altered? Most likely, No! However, we hope to learn some tips and tricks that will help us to better parent our son!

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