Saturday, November 2, 2019

Self Care

As I have stated over and over again, this fall has been crazy.  Every day seems filled with meetings and demands.  One day a couple of weeks ago I was super productive early in the day and things got done quickly.  I was able to have a LONG phone conversation with my college bestie and after that I ate popcorn and watched a Hallmark movie.  I know there might be people that imagine my life pretty much consists of this every day.  I assure you, most days I feel like I am struggling to catch up. I also can tell you that this partial day of relaxation did mean a crazier rest of the week...  BUT... It was worth it.  I have two kiddos who bring me to the end of myself most days (and nights since we have a non-sleeper).  Taking time to talk with an old friend and watch a predictable love story while cuddling with my cats feeds my soul and helps everything else go more smoothly.  

Living the dream... literally... in that moment. 
Don't fear, my other furry friend is on deck next to me... ready to step up for a cuddle if needed. 

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