Thursday, December 22, 2011

The boy who cried “push” and other tales from toilet training... the good, the bad, and the funny!

*warning, this post will contain much discussion of toilets, pee and poo.

The Good!

Monday December 5th started like most Mondays in our home. I needed to use the bathroom and of course my little shadow followed me. M said something about the toilet and I asked him if he would like to go on it. He said yes. Being the ever prepared mom that I (rarely) am I got the child’s toilet seat out from under the sink and sat M on it. Much to my amazement he went! I was very excited and of course M was too. He wanted to sit on it a long while and actually peed and pooed on it. I was so proud of my little man. He loved being clapped for and esp. having his name chanted! We sang and read and drank a lot... it was great!

With M on the toilet, I ran upstairs and got a large stack of underwear. M got off the toilet and into underwear. After helping train a few little guys in my nanny days I decided that the underwear method (where they wet and wet until they get it) was what I was going to try. The only thing was... I was going to wait until the New Year. I was going to have candy (which M has never had) and sticker charts, and all sorts of incentives. It turns out M had other plans. He did have 2 accidents in underwear very early on and has been perfect since then. I really can’t believe it. I guess he was just ready. He was just shy of 2 years 4 months when we began training.

The first few days we stayed at home all day. The first 1.5 days we gated off the carpeted areas and had blankets, toys, and books in the kitchen. M also got to experience juice, which he really enjoyed. He only drank juice for a few days and then really hasn’t asked for it since. We do feel very blessed to have a big boy son. We are so proud of him. He has done so well even
when we are out and about. It is amazing really. He has been dry during naps and badtime quite frequently. We are planning on packing up the cloth diapers very soon which will be a welcome blessing for everyone, though we loved them of course.

The Bad!

Before you think a jealous thought, life has not been all fun and games at our house. Not only are we running to the toilet ALL.THE.TIME, but the nights are long, hard and even brutal at times. It is not a surprise to you that M is a light sleeper. Well, a light sleeper who now knows what the urge to pee feels like is a deadly combination. The first night at bedtime left this mommy pleading with God for mercy after at least 30 (literal) trips to the bathroom. M cried PUSH and off we went. Yes, he was in a diaper. Yes, he refused to use it. After I had turned into a mess of tears I finally held M in the rocking chair and hummed him to sleep while he cried PUSH (“put” as he says it) over and over again.

I thought things couldn’t get worse than that. I VERY quickly decided he would not be drinking anything any where near bedtime and that we would be fine the next day. Well, a few days went by with some wake ups and night, but in general he wet while he slept and we were both OK with that. Then came the dreaded 1:00 am wake-up call. My son went to the bathroom and then proceeded to stay up for the day... yes, FOR THE DAY starting at 1:00am. To make matters worse he took a dreaded 20 minute “car nap” in the morning and didn’t take a real nap until 2:00pm. So, while he did train quickly we have still had to earn our potty training badge like the rest of the parents out there. Last night we were up from 3-4:30, which compared to some nights isn’t that bad... I guess.

The Funny!

~In M language poo means he has to pee and push means he has to poo. I have no clue how this happened, but it leads to some laughter.

~M has yelled POO in church, grocery stores, restaurants, other stores, nursing home, car, bus, friends houses... everywhere really.

~M LOVES to pull down his pants and doesn’t really understand that it isn’t OK to do this everywhere.

~M NEEDS (according to him) an audience to watch is bathroom progress. At home we have a photo of Brandon’s aunt and uncle’s dogs on the lookout. “Jo” (who I guess is his favorite) is the main bathroom observer.

~When we are not at home finding an audience is harder, esp in public bathrooms. He truly wants everyone in the bathroom to come in our stall and listen and clap for him. This is not happening so we are creative. He has had the plunger watch him and more frequently the toilet paper holder. Hey, if it works... it works!

~After one day who no poo we decided to give him a little bit of fruit leather for a poo or rather a “put” :) He now thinks he needs a “big piece” and tries to negotiate with us at times. Most times he forgets about the treats which we are thankful for.

~ M loves to run around the house in only a shirt... typical boy... so if you come knocking at our door, be prepared.

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