Saturday, July 17, 2021

April Review

Since I am more than three months behind I am going to try making some mega posts and lumping many many things together in an effort to move through the school year quickly. This post is an April highlight reel!

Thankful for another STEAM kit from the library.  T learned about rocks this year in Science and this was a fun review!
Sometimes taking turns is hard (usually taking turns is hard).
Sunshine is so relaxed and willing to lay under the covers with T!

When Jelly Beans are used for multiplication and sorting fun.

Truly BFF's

T: Sunshine wanted to play too!

T: He is doing a pretty good job.

Proof that I am a fun mom and that T makes Twister harder than it has to be.

The lego table became the cat table.

There is always that week or two each spring when sidewalk chalk is the best and the kids actually play with it for a long time.  I love that week! T learned some great skills during her weekly art class that impressed us all.

Look at that shading!
Busy at work.
So biased, and so impressed.

Outdoor school is much better than indoor school!

This spring we checked out a lot of comic strip books from the library.  Seeing my family bent over laughing at Calvin and Hobbs or "Calvin and the Hobbs" as T says was so heartwarming.
M: Read another one, Dad!

These two!  I can't get enough.

M: T isn't the only ninja in the house!

M: I decided to try out the chalk too.

Lovely rainbow and lovely hula hooping
M: I think this is my best work ever!
I had NO IDEA how hard it was to make a house of cards.
True amazement because this took us an hour!

31 Jenga levels is a lot!

In her element!

Nerf battles.

Looks like neighbor J is being overtaken.

I had so much fun with my family style Sunday School classes this spring.  At first I was so nervous about covid, but once I was two weeks after my second dose I was able to relax more and enjoy the kiddos. 

Actions, yes please!
I love to do engage the children to bring home the concepts, so of course we needed to create a fiery furnace. 
Who was the 4th man in the furnace... hmmm or the 5th haha!?

Accidental broccoli infused water was not a win!

One day I had enough of my freezer barely shutting and decided it was time to defrost it.  Who knew it wasn't that big of a job?  Maybe I won't wait five years before I do it again?
Before (sort of, we broke off the stuff around the rim as needed)
and after!  So much more room! 

Can you see all the fish?
Now can you see them??

M: Impressive, right?

 On April 21st we were hit with a winter blast that was not fun at all at the time, but did create some lovely photos.
The Christmas in April feelings.

We actually decided to play Christmas music and make stew! 
In late April we upgraded our phones and our kids enjoyed testing different modes.
M: How do I look?
Our first fire of the season was a mixed bag.  T LOVED it!  She was outside playing in the fire for literally hours.  M could not even tolerate it and ended up coming indoors and making cookies.  I went back and forth between the two.  Brandon stayed outside and was entertained by T.  She sang 99 bottles of beer on the wall at full voice and made it down to 60 some bottles.  Brandon is a trooper!
T: I love having campfires!
T: Burning sticks is my favorite.
She is a beauty.
I like to roast, but not to eat.
A rare photo of the two of us.
The baker!

On Saturday morning we joined friends for some diversity chalk art on the chalk wall!  What a fun morning!

M and T: We met a new dog.
M and Z together and chalking.
T: I LOVE adding numbers on cereal boxes!!

This time we were acting out Daniel and the whole becoming like a cow and eating grass thing.

It is debatable who has more fun, me or the kids.
Of course T needed to try too.
We love our ninja and the smoothies she makes us!
Portrait mode.

T loves to rearrange her room.  It has been moved many times since late April, but in that moment it was the best.

T and Sunshine living their best lives in her bedroom.

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