Friday, July 16, 2021

Spring Break 2021

Mid July is the perfect time to give you all a recap of our Spring Break.  I have been working behind the scenes on blogging now for a week trying to uploads photos to blogger.  As usual they are coming in backwards order, on the wrong side, wrong sized etc.  I am so excited to finally have the photos in order and actually be ready to blog.  

We decided to give the kids a Spring Break at the same time the local schools had break.  I am not sure if that was the best idea or not, but that is what we did and it allowed us to have lots of hangouts (no longer called play dates) with friends. 

On Saturday (3/27)   I kicked off Spring Break in style by recording 7 Sunday school classes.  Sadly one didn't record so I had to do it twice.  That marked the end of my recordings for Sunday School.  We transitioned to both in person and video after Easter and this fall we will be (Lord willing) all in person!  

While I was recording, Brandon was giving M a haircut.  They always do some fun cuts along the way.

M:  Something doesn't look quite right.

M: I am learning to do it a bit on my own.

The fresh cut.

Rolled up newspaper swords are the game of the day.

M is all in!

The only picture I have from Sunday is M and I cuddling as we read the Lent read aloud.  It was GREAT, just like the Christmas one.  We looked forward to the unfolding story each night.

We highly recommend Amon's Adventure.

On Monday I realized how much we all value routine and how this week could feel longer than I would like it to feel. T was up early making forts for her and the cats!

T: I have lots of nests for the cats.

We watched the power company cut down a tree at a neighbors!

I created Children's ministry Lent Packs for families which included several games to play.  Our school took up so much of the day that we didn't really get to play any of the games until Spring Break.  I was thankful to have them during that week. 
It was a lovely morning so we decided to do some Holy Week charades outside. 

M: I can't believe they are not getting it.

T: I like to act out the whole scene so they can figure it out. 
On Monday afternoon we dropped M off at a local park so he could hang out with a classmate.  Then T and I went to another park to hang out with other friends.  

T: Before we go I need to climb this tree!
T: I had so much fun I didn't want to leave!

M: D and I had fun and look how close in height we are now!

On Tuesday it was even colder than Monday.  We did some more Lent games (this cross dice rolling one was fun for all three of us) in the morning. 
We all love dice games and the coloring was relaxing.

In the afternoon we had a park meet up with Charissa and her kids and another mom friend.  It was so cold at this park by the Lake.  We sure don't look like we are on spring break, more like winter break. 
M has grown so much this year.

When you are so cold that you wear your mask to keep warm!

On Wednesday we had a huge day of errands.  We went to our special bakery, Trader Joes, and Aldi.  The kids were troopers and were rewarded with treats everywhere we went.  I spend way too much money when I take them shopping with me.  We had some excitement at Aldi when my credit card was flagged due to the high amount.  I was actually heading to the van to get the back up card when Brandon texted saying the credit card company called him to verify the purchase.  All was OK and I was able to hand the receipt to the check out person and buy the groceries.

T: This is my favorite carrot cupcake!

M: Spending time with these two is my favorite!
Sunshine loves the new scratching pad house the kids insisted we "needed"
On Thursday we met up at some other friends house for bike riding and playing.  It was still very chilly, but this time masks are being worn because they have a kiddo with major medical needs.  Their youngest son was very smitten with M.  It was the only photo I took of the day.
M: It is kind of cool when little kids like me.

Love those days when we can play a long game of Life without worrying about school.

On Saturday it was a bit warmer and Brandon put the kids to work while I was out walking.
T: M was helping me keep the yarn away from the cats.
Time to pull up the bird feeder for the summer.

Look at those strong kids.
Trying a new method.
They even swept out the garage!

On Sunday we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus!  The kids and I watched church online.  Brandon was there for three services.  He was gone all morning.  T grabbed my phone and took some photos of the squirrel enjoying his Easter peanuts.

T: He was about to eat them.
T: Enjoying his treat.
 The kids spent a lot of time over break working on Lego creations. M finished his green car.
M: I am getting closer to being done.

So thankful for our family time.

After we ate M and Brandon carved the rest of the ham.  M became quite a good carver. T was hard at work on a miniature off brand Lego creation.
A happy sight!
We were able to zoom with my parents and grandma in the afternoon.
We also did an egg hunt and Easter baskets though I don't have a single picture of either one.
The is where Buttercup perched as we finished Amon's Adventure. 

She finished the creation by the end of the day! 

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