Saturday, July 17, 2010

Because marriage is a priority...

we both skipped Bible Study last week to have a date night! I am not advocating skipping Bible Study, but we had a date night planned and sadly a woman in the church died and Brandon had to leave immediately. When he came home that night we realized that we ran out of nights and had commitments for a LONG time so we decided to skip our women's/men's Wednesday night study.

We had a great date night. It wasn't anything too fancy. We had a pre-marital couple here until 6:00ish and then had a Chili dinner, took a long walk, and came home and watched a movie, which we had never seen and I rented free at the library. It is called "Did you hear about the Morgans?" and we were pretty impressed. It has some swearing, but the married couple stays married so that is good! Honestly, there are some good lines in it that encourage marriage (even in infidelity) and adoption. This is NOT a Christian movie. It is NOT a family movie. It is much cleaner and pro-marriage than most non Christian produced movies, in my opinion.

You should also know that we attend a Bible study/small group together on Friday nights at our house. We did not skip that study :)

Morals of the story: Marriage is important! Marriage and time together are worth fighting for! Sometimes, we will need to skip the good for the BETTER! I LOVE my husband!

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