Saturday, July 10, 2010

Will you pray for the children caught in the middle???

*First a note to those who receive email adoption updates. We sent out the last update on Monday from the yearn4surrender account. If you have not received it check your junk/bulk mail. If it doesn't appear there, comment here (I don't post comments) and we will get one out to you soon!

Many of you know this spring/summer has been a dry time for our agency in the infant referral department. "Referral" refers to the process of the agency calling you and sharing info. with you about a child (including photo, medical etc) and you accepting the child! Anyway, we have waited on the Lord and cried out to Him as we have seen our estimated wait times increase and increase.

We learned recently that there are many children caught in the middle of a paperwork nightmare in Ethiopia. Our agency has 35 children in this situation. They are currently in care and ready for forever families, but are waiting for a judge to sign a form. These 35 children do not include already waiting children, or new children coming into care. We have been told that the judge is willing to sign off on some, but MAJOR prayers are needed that ALL 35 children will be eligible for referral soon! I recently challenged friends to pray for at least 20 referrals by the end of August as I guessed that the number of those children in limbo surely couldn't be more than 20... well I was wrong! Because I have been so focused on 20 I am going to keep praying 20, but focus on the AT LEAST and pray that all 35 of these children will be placed in forever families soon.

So what is the story with these 35 little ones? Well, they were ready for referral when corruption in the area they were born became known. The papers all need to be re-signed. Truly all that is standing between these children and forever families is a signature!

Often on this adoption journey I have felt it not quite right to pray for lots of referrals because that means that something horrible had to happen in ET to a bio family. Things have changed and we need to storm heaven for referrals!!!

I recently read Jan Beazely's book "The Strength of Mercy" which is her adoption story that led to the start of All God's Children International (a pretty big adoption agency). Jan talks about the spiritual warfare they experienced with, among other things, PAPERWORK, as they were waiting for their Hannah! It got me thinking about the battle we are in. It is real. God is the Father to the Fatherless! I think of a line from Hosanna, "Break my heart for what breaks yours." I truly believe that God has a special place in His heart for the orphan. I also know that the kingdom of darkness is working very hard to tear apart care for the orphan, in America and around the world! Are we on our knees for this friends? These children are real and they LONG for a gentle mother's hug and a father's encouraging words. While many American's concern themselves with professional sports and where a player will play these children are dying; physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually! Sorry to get all gloomy, but I am just trying to convey how important our prayers are, and how important it is to support and care for orphans!

We can rejoice because our God never sleeps and never grows weary! Our God never leaves these children's side! Our God is victorious over the kingdom of darkness! Let's live like we believe it!!!!

So friends, join me in praying boldly:

-That no power of darkness would have even a fingertip on these children's paperwork in Ethiopia. Note: sometimes the power of darkness is... darkness! This country regularly has power outages which affect their ability to be as effective as they could be with power.

-That those who process paperwork would be diligent in their jobs, take joy in them, and work more efficiently than ever before. They would process the paperwork quickly with excitement knowing that forever families are being created.

-That the judges and social workers would have dreams of the children their decisions are affecting each night.

-That every child caught in the middle would be referred to families SOON, not so much for us (the not so patient parents) but for the children who need our love!

-That at least 20 infant referrals would be given by the end of August.

-That the Father to the fatherless would so loving wrap His arms around the children as they wait. That they would know somehow that we are praying, that we long to come for them.

-That those caring for the children in ET would not grow weary in their care, but would loving meet the needs of our children as well as they can.

These are just a few of the thing I have been praying. While I pray throughout the day, I also commit to praying for the paperwork and processing of it before bed each night as I know that when I go to sleep the work day is about to begin in ET (9 hours ahead of CST).

Feel free to copy/paste and print these requests so you can pray along more easily... great places to put them could be: near the toilet, next to your bed, on your mirror, in your wallet, wherever you dry/straighten your hair, next to the kitchen sink, in the car (while stopped of course) in your Bible, in your child's room if you sit in there while they are trying to fall asleep thinking I wish I had something to do etc...

I personally have faith that God can do anything! If any of you are willing to pray these bold prayers and others, please do! I know that God is faithful no matter what the outcome of these prayers. May He be glorified as we ask boldly for miracles in ET! We surrender this to you LORD!

Check out this wonderful song which I referred to in the entry!

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