Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Happy 39th Birthday to me (Summer Week 8 Part 2)

 Thursday 7/30 - 

The anticipation of a Birthday is so much greater during childhood, isn't it?  I was honestly not super excited about my Birthday this year.  39 feels like such an older number than I feel.  I told Brandon on my last day as a 38 year old that I didn't want to be 39 but that I didn't want to skip any of my years to be younger, so I guess I would have to settle with being 39.  

Brandon went on a bike ride and I walked after him. I was able to talk with Charissa so that was a fun Birthday gift. The late walk meant that I was coming in for Bible time without a shower and all sweaty from the walk.  This didn't stop my family from singing Happy Birthday to me as I walked in.  They had balloons and blowers and a sign and the whole deal.  I might have been sweaty and gross when I walked in, but I felt so loved at the same time.  Thank you family for loving me well!!!

Kisses for M!

Kisses for T!

After Bible time I took a shower and ate Breakfast and the kids played Yahtzee on their own without fighting at all.  They were so well behaved.  After breakfast I told them we would take the day off of chores.  They decided to do some chalk art on the patio.  

T was really into smashing chalk and making blends.  We went through a lot of chalk that morning! 

Happily playing together. 

T: I took a big rock and I smashed the chalk until I had a big chalk pile!

Once she was finished smashing the chalk she asked me to trace her body.  After tracing her she filled the outline in with her smashed chalk.  She is a very creative girl! 

T: Can you see the two T's? 

After playing outside we headed into the city to get some very special treats from a bakery that is free of gluten, soy, dairy, refined sugar etc.  It is a lovely place.  It is not cheap so we only go on special occasions.  The kids were so excited about the trip.  We decided that we could each get three things.  The nine things totaled over $44!  The trip was an adventure.  I worked so hard to make sure we all had our masks ready to go.  I even brought snacks for the way to the bakery so there wouldn't be any reason to fight in the van.  

After we found a spot and parked I paid the meter we were about to put on our masks and head in.  T announced that she had forgotten to wear shoes.  She often has some random shoes laying in the van, but not today.  I had to take her with me because we didn't have a spot right in front of the store and I wasn't going to leave her without me.  We decided I would have her on my back the whole time and she tucked her feet in behind my hands.  She later told me that she talked like she was younger so that the worker would think she was little.  She does weigh what an average 3-4 year old weighs so her plan might have worked.  She weighs enough that I sure did feel her on me while we were there.  

This store has so many yummy things.  It took the kids a LONG time to decide.  so many great choices.  We let person after person pass us and we just kept on looking.  Finally we made our choices.  I had a cinnamon roll, an almond butter bar that is supposed to be like a Reeses, and a triple threat bar which is like the other but with chunks.  M chose chocolate cake, a whoopie pie, and a chocolate chip cookie.  T chose chocolate cake, a chocolate cupcake, and a lemon bar.  

We were all so excited to try our first treat when we got home.  I might have eaten both of my bars! 

M and T:  YUMMY!!!!!!!!

While the kids were listening to Adventures in Odyssey I went on my computer to see what time the MN schools were making their fall announcement.  The main heading on the MN website blew my mind.  If you know me well, you know how passionately I have been praying for a mask mandate.  There was a walk earlier in the week where I just cried and prayed and pleaded with God for one.  It is deeply personal to me and there were some at church who would like a mask optional service.  This means while they can choose to attend or not, my husband would be forced to attend.  Brandon would then come home to us with our sickness and weak immune systems (esp. M) and we could all get really sick.  God heard my pleas and gave me the most unexpected Birthday gift ever.  I know this can be a contentious issue.  For me it is a health issue and I continue to praise God for His protection for our family, for kids going back to school, for small town businesses struggling to enforce masks etc.  

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

While the kids had their afternoon Disney + time I was able to tune in to the live newscast from MN and see their back to school plan.  It was very informative,  considerate and fascinating.  

Brandon came home from work a bit early so he could take the kids finishing and I could have a little time.  It took about an hour to convince M to go fishing and I was almost sure he was going to end up staying home with me.  At the last minute he decided to go.  

I spent some of the time prepping chicken and veggies for fajitas, but I did have some time to relax and watch part of a movie which was a rare treat.  Usually when I try to watch something at night I fall asleep in the first 10 minutes. 

While I was home, here is what was happening at the lake. 

Both kids assume their positions. 

T: I wouldn't really need a fishing pole, just a little bit of line and a hook.  

T: I love taking all the fish off of the hooks!  

When the crew got home M was so excited to tell me about a pocket knife he had found and kept.  I was shocked by this news.  I told him that someone might be coming to look for it.  I asked him what he would do if he left his pocket knife at the lake.  He said he would run back to the dock and look for it.  I asked him how he would feel if it wasn't there when he got to the end of the dock.  He looked down and asked if we could drive back to the lake.  The lake is 20 minutes away, maybe even more.  Since the fajita stuff needed grilling I agreed to take M back to the lake and return the knife.  

Watching this was one of my most joyous mom moments.  

After we got home and had a great fajita dinner the kids had another round of special treats.  

M: I really didn't like the whoopie  pie so I shared it.  

While we were chatting I learned that T came home with only one shoe!  For Real?!?!!?  What?!?!?  Apparently her shoes came off and one of them had gone under the dock and they couldn't see it.  I totally would have looked for it when we were dropping off the pocket knife if I had known.  What a wild shoe day for T!  Now we have one spare shoe in the van, just in case! 

My 39th Birthday was by far my best Birthday as a mom.  Both my kids were able to handle the excitement better than ever before.  No one sabotaged anything.  I think it helped that I didn't open any gifts or really talk about it much, they just knew it was special.  I was able to open cards in front of them and to talk with my parents and Brandon's parents without jealousy as well.  They were on their best behavior and I drank it in with thanksgiving.  I have no idea what year 39 will be like, but I do know I am thankful to walk into this last year of my 30's with my incredible family by my side, our parents and extended family a call or text away, and friends near and far on this journey with me. I am so blessed indeed.  As stressful as my life is from hour to hour, I am so grateful for God for the gift of this life He has given me. 

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