Monday, August 3, 2020

M and T's Day at Children's (Summer Vacation Week 6 Part 1)

Monday 7/13 -
Three weeks ago I took both M and T to Children's Hospital.  It was a full day of adventure, but the adventures of the day actually began earlier in the morning.  

T was playing outside on the swings and spotted several bees.  She found one that was smaller and possibly injured and she befriended it.  I tried to calmly tell her that bees sting and this bee could sting her.  She was sure it would NOT sting her so I let her continue to hold it.  She even held it in a closed fist as she climbed up onto the slide platform.  

I had to leave the yard to talk with M for a bit as he was doing a virtual summer school class about getting ready for middle school.  He was VERY stressed and overwhelmed by it.  All of the sudden T stormed into the house screaming!  Shockingly, (haha) she had been stung.  I do have to clarify that the bee she befriended didn't sting her, a different bee did.  Her finger swelled so quickly.  She was screaming "MY PRECIOUS FINGER" over and over.  I texted Brandon for back up.  We couldn't find the stinger and her finger kept swelling.  It actually got quite a bit bigger than the photo below.  We ended up giving her some Benadryl which really helped with the swelling.  

T: Look at my precious finger.

Trying to do everything I could to distract her. 

After calming her down she was able to focus pretty well for her OT session.  While Brandon was home he told me that he had been on hold with his Dr trying to make an appointment about a possible blood clot.  Oh dear!  He later called me and said that the Dr had no openings.  He tried urgent care but learned that they don't have the ultrasound machine needed so they recommended he just go to the ER.  Seriously, I can't make this stuff up!  He headed to the ER and we headed to Children's.  

Thankfully, while we were at the clinic Brandon texted and said it was just a "normal abnormality" and not a blood clot!  This was great news.  

We have a VERY long appointment at Infectious Disease.  I was reminded every 30 seconds how deeply I dislike taking both kids to the Dr.  This visit was a new level of stress as I didn't want them to touch things.  T really struggles to calm her body in these situations.  She was surfing on the exam table complaining that they don't make them sturdy enough.  She was doing flexibility poses and yoga poses when the Dr was trying to examine her.  She was everywhere.  She was triggering M and the two of them were in rare form.  I think the Dr felt very bad for me haha.  

So much silliness

After the LONG appointment we had to wait for our time to go to Lab for bloodwork.  They no longer let you head straight to Lab.  You must have an appointment.  We had about an hour to kill.  At first they said we had to wait in our car, but I think someone at Infectious Disease had mercy on us.  They let us stay there until we could check in at Lab. They also put on the TV for the kids and found some snacks for them. Sadly, they were super backed up and we waiting there for probably 90 minutes.  The kids liked the shows for a while, but they quickly tired of them.  

M and T:  We were so ready to be home!

When they finally called us back the kids were once again in rare form.  I am now beginning to wonder if they were just in normal form, but on display for others to see. The actual blood draws took over 30 minutes because there were so many for each kid and because T's vein dried up and the woman had to find another in the other arm. 

I want to note something about masks.  The first hour the kids wore them they complained a lot.  After hour one they said nothing.  They totally forgot they were wearing them and I had to remind them to take them off when we got into the van.  

 We were SO exhausted when we got home.  Brandon headed straight to a meeting and the kids watched their shows while I tried to unwind and relax.  I am so thankful that I don't have to take them both for most visits.  

Sadly after all the blood and all the tests, nothing major was found that could point to all the fevers.  

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