Monday, December 6, 2021

A very bad day!

July 19th was a rough day for me!  The kids had summer school and Park and Rec and we went to softball games that night, so you would think it would be a great day.  I don't remember everything about the day, but I did take the picture below so I could remember the big stories!

I worked in the morning and met the kids at school to grab backpacks, bring lunch, and walk them to Park and Rec.  While I waited for the kids I sat on a rock under a tree.  I didn't realize that the rock was full of ants.  Suddenly I could feel them crawling in my underwear.  I started hitting myself all over and was probably hitting places where there were not even ants.  I shook myself like a crazy person and many fell out.  I plucked a couple off on the way home and then stripped down once I got home.  I wore a swim suit cover up for a while as I had bite marks on my underwear line.  Not fun. (see below: clothes on the bath tub) I was killing ants in the bathroom for days after this episode.

Later that day I was prepping spaghetti for dinner.  I somehow bumped the scraper which was in a can of tomato sauce and sent the can and contents flying all over the kitchen and all over my lower half.  It took a long time to get all the surfaces clean and meant another clothing change for me (see below: capris on curtain rod).

Something else rough happened before the softball game because I know there were three rough things that I shared with the other fans. We all laughed and the mishaps.  Little did I know, the day wasn't over yet. At the game T was given some turkey sticks to snack on and played on MANY spinning things.  

On the way home she said she didn't feel well and once home she threw up on her robe and the bathroom floor and rug.  Since Brandon can't see well he naturally stepped in the vomit and got it on his sock.  (shhe below: rug, robe etc in tub and sock on rod)

I could have dealt with everything that night, but I just decided to go to bed!  

Thankfully,  T was not actually sick and was able to go to summer school the next day while I washed the tomato, ant, and vomit filled clothes.  I am also thankful that most days are not this messy.  In fact, I usually manage to wear one set of clothes all day :)

Evidence of a rough day!

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