Saturday, July 25, 2009

Getting the house ready! #2

After our busy weekend at the church we headed home to prepare our townhouse for the market. Before candidating we had our carpets cleaned so we came home to total chaos. Our entire first floor was in our kitchen and things we stacked over ten feet high on our dresser (seriously we have vaulted ceilings). The first day I was so tired that after calling family and friends I crashed and did not get too much work done. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were filled with prep work to get our home cleaned and staged for the market. We were hoping to leave for Brandon's family early on Wednesday, but didn't end up leaving until 5:00pm. We made it to Brandon's parents house before midnight but it was a long day.
Brandon's finger:
As things seem to go, each project at our home took much longer that we estimated. One reason for the delay we a trip to the urgent care. Brandon, being a super husband trimmed dead branches from a shrub right off our patio and somehow caught his index finger in the trimmers. I looked out side and saw him running around and thought he had stumbled upon a wasp nest. I went outside and quickly realized this is a big deal and I am not the one to fix it. Brandon was of course much more relaxed. We live close to the walk-in urget care and were there within 15 minutes of the injury. Two hours later we left urget care with Brandon's finger in stiches and a wrap. We got home just before my youth group girls arrived. I had a super super super time talking with them on a deep level about our Great God! The hours flew by quickly and before I knew it a whole afternoon slipped by without any of the work done.
Even though it was not my perfect timing, God's timing was perfect and by the time we left the house it looked GREAT!!! If you are my friend on facebook you can find a link to the house, otherwise you will have to take my word for it!
Please pray that the house would sell quickly. We know we serve a big God who can do BIG things. We are boldly praying that the house would sell while we travel. It has been shown a couple of times already and we are hopeful!

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