Saturday, February 2, 2013

Smiling in the trenches!

Well it is now Saturday night.  The grandparents are all home and we are a cocooning family of four!  It is thrilling and still a little strange to see us as a family of four.  We are all feeling growing pains in different ways, but there is much to be thankful for:

1. The laundry is DONE... and put away!!!!! 

2. M has not rejected us for leaving him... quite the opposite.

3. T is learning so quickly.  The girl we first held two weeks ago (well it will be in a few hours) has come a long way.  She can roll over, stand strong, crawl (in her own way), sit without fear of falling over, copy many sounds, look us in the eye and there is more.  We can now add clapping to the list!  We can also add scooting in a walker (don't worry it is in the basement so she can't go down stairs) about 3 steps and bouncing like a pro in the Johnny Jump Up.

4. Our basement rocks!  Before we left we (well Brandon 99.9%) painted and installed carpet.  We have lots of big toys, puzzles, games, bikes, a waffle climber thing, a gym mat etc down there.  It isn't fancy, but we like it. Today we added the jump up for T  and a swing for M.  So much fun and such a blessing to have a few different areas to play in.

5. M enjoys helping at times.  M really really really likes watching stinky diaper changes.  He also likes helping give bottles and feed T.  He is a great encourager at meals and is in general quite fond of the thought of T.

6. T was blessed with milk from her Aunt Adrienne.  We started using this liquid gold today and prayed that she would quickly adjust.  She took it like a rock star.  We only mixed one bottle with partial formula and now she is on total momma milk.  We will still use a little formula for days with Dr. appointments and to fill in here and there, but she will have 20oz a day of momma milk!  Thanks be to God.

7. T's rash (scabies) seems to be on the mend and Brandon and I have no signs of it.

8. We have two incredible children that the Lord has allowed us the great honor and responsibility of parenting.

Somethings are tougher.
Reentry is hard.
Parenting 2 children is much harder than parenting one.

M is having a hard time sharing things and people with T.  This is totally normal and totally expected.  We are not surprised, but pray this season will be short lived.

M is also having a hard time sleeping.  Considering his sleeping issues this is normal and expected.  Him being up until 11:00 is a hard.  Please pray that he would be able to get good sleep soon.

T is not on CST.  Of course she isn't.  14 hours of time change takes a while to adjust to.  Oh well... hard but expected. She is such a trooper and I think (though who knows) she will be adjusted much more quickly that M. 

I am easily overwhelmed as I consider the tasks to be done.  Many big things which didn't get done before travel are now looming and in my weariness making bottles and changing diapers and battling bedtimes is about what I can handle... so the thank yous will get written, but maybe not immediately.  The budget will get updated, but not tonight.  Tonight, I might clean my counter and sweep my floor... or just snack and go to bed most likely:)  Please pray that Jesus will flow through me and that I will cling to Him to sustain me in my weary jet-lagged state.  I realize that small issues feel so big when your body clock is way off.  Hopefully each of us are getting more adjusted to the time zone each day.

Since I know you are here for the photos here are some fun ones!!  Many are out of order, but it is getting late.  Good night friends.

Our airport embrace!

First family of 4 photo
Happy with daddy!

Meeting each other.
Smiling after all that travel.
Tip your computer to see our entering the house photo.
Late night reading material!
So stylish!

Classic see how tall our kids are pose.

T not so sure about hide and seek, M's favorite game.

Cups on the table... memories from M's first day home!

Cup loving T.

So I purposely didn't include any shots with grandparents and T because I know we have lots of schools of thought on who holds when, but our families live far away and they will not see us for some time.  We do a brief time together and then cocoon... Anyway, how could I not include this one.  M is singing his heart out and everyone else has a look of pure joy!  So special.

When M was done, T crawled right over for her turn.

Her foot is up there most of the time!  Flexible girl.

My little loves

My big boy who still likes to get as cozy as possible.  Yes, he sleeps in a crib.  Yes, he likes it and so do we.  Yes, he sleeps in slippers.  I agree, it does seem a bit strange. 

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