Sunday, December 20, 2020

My most typical pics

 There are two things which I am constantly taking pictures of to text to Brandon or other friends.  I take way too many pictures of the cats cuddling with me.  I don't post them all of the blog, but I had to post the one below because Buttercup was so desperate for a cuddle and I was sitting in a chair, not lounging on the couch.  He made the most of the situation and rested his head on my toes.  I texted Brandon and informed him that no dinner had been started since I was trapped in the front room!  He is fully laying on my toes.  It isn't totally evident in the picture. I sure am thankful for our cats!

Trapped in a cat cuddle!

The other thing I can't seem to get enough pictures of... sunrises!  I often take pics of Lake sunrises, but this sunrise happened while I was walking by M's school and I just couldn't not take a picture of it!  It took my breathe away!
New Day, New Mercies, New Sunrise!

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