Friday, December 11, 2020

Starting October Strong!

 After blogging about things in sort of a daily/weekly fashion at the beginning of COVID I am trying to find my niche as I move forward.  The big events are easy to group together, but in 2020 there are so many every day photos from the magical mundane days of being safer at home.  This post is a sections of photos that could very well be 15 different posts.  All these photos take place in the first ten days of the month.

In early October Brandon received a text from a neighbor/friend offering him squirrel stew.  He decided to try it and found it tasted OK, not amazing, but not horrible either.  The meat was tougher than he expected it to be.  We decided since we had pictures of the rest of the family eating grasshoppers we should capture Brandon's unique food test too!

It looked tasty!

Sunshine!  He is such a faithful cat!  He is a "dog cat" in so many ways.  He is very loyal to Brandon (and T) and he lays at Brandon's feet whenever Brandon is eating.  It is the sweetest thing. 
Sunshine: When Brandon is at the table so am I... unless I am napping somewhere else...

Brandon has been a lifelong Chief's fan.  T decided to claim this vintage sweatshirt (dress) for a few weeks this fall.

T: Go Chiefs!

Who needs toys when you can make shadow animals?

Parenting a tween is an exciting adventure.  It is incredible to be able to talk with M about current events and talk more in depth about a variety of topics.  It is interesting to see the natural desire for debate that comes out at this age very active in him.  He wants justice and fairness at all costs and feels that things are never quite fair for him.  One day he presented us with this paper he had written.  We sound so evil... don't we??  I should clarify that the 7:00 bedtime thing is sort of a joke.  Last school year we did try to start getting ready for bed at 7:00 but it rarely happened.  This year we often don't head upstairs to start getting ready until 8:00 and then the getting ready and reading before bed process takes quite a while.  In reality he is usually sleeping around 9:00. 

We are so tough! 

Buttercup: I didn't know humans slept like that!

T: Do you like the matching look?

T: Hey Grandma Kathy, my bread looks like MN!

T: BIG DAY!  I finally started to learn cursive!

Sometimes, after a hard day, your kids play catch in the dark and your heart smiles!

After delivering all the Sunday School packets in the rain in September, I was so excited to have two volunteers ready to deliver the packets in October.  Sadly, one of my volunteers had a sick child and had to quarantine. I ended up delivering some of the packets.  The weather was lovely during the deliveries and we were able to play in an Occupational Therapy dream barn at the last drop off.   Delivering packets to them was like going on a field trip!  We are thankful for the J family and their willingness to share their barn with us!
M: Here I go!!!!

So much fun!!!

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