Sunday, April 18, 2021

March Gladness Part One

These pictures are a collection of photos from the first couple of weeks of March. 

More kid cuddles is one of the best parts of the pandemic.
T: I told Daddy he NEEDED to take a picture of this carrot.  It came out of the bag of baby carrots looking like this!

3/10/21!!!!  I spotted my first robin!!! 

He 100% thinks he is hiding because his eyes are behind the car.
I received my first dose of Pfizer!  (second dose was over a week ago!)

I saw this quote online and wanted to share it because I resonate with it, and I think many mamas are feeling this way these days.  I took a photo of the quote and can't make out the author.  The pandemic has been HARD on everyone.  I think moms feel it deeply because we want to badly to make things feel normal, safe, and special for our kids.  We are 13 months into this LONG season and it often still feels like I am floundering, but I am so very thankful that I am not floundering alone!  Here is the quote:

"She believed she could and she almost did, but then a pandemic hit and someone asked her to do double the amount of work with the same about of hours in a day, and someone else asked her to be the best version of herself while running on fumes, and she lost track of realistic expectations until she heard all the women talking, realized she wasn't alone, poured another cup of coffee and decided her best was enough." 

So powerful to remember that our identity came from Christ before the pandemic, during the pandemic, and post pandemic.  The extra pressures we feel are not from him, in fact he wants to take our burdens and upon his shoulders.  While the quote doesn't represent a Christian perspective for me it reminds me that who I am in Christ was enough, is enough, and will be enough!

Fewer puzzles this winter, but we still enjoy them!

One of the blessings of this spring was getting the exciting news that our children have moved off of the wait list for some services.  We were on the wait list since early August 2019 so it was a long wait.  One of the first things we received was a ninja course which we were able to install in our basement!  It is so great for T to have this available all the time in any weather!   It is much more enhanced since these photos, but they give you an idea.

Brandon was the engineer of the project!

T: I love it!!!!

Brandon walked into the kitchen to see this sight!  She couldn't reach the leftovers so naturally this was easier to do than getting a step stool!! 
T: S and I had our first camp fire of the year!!! 

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