Friday, August 27, 2021

Mom and kids trip

 On June 12th , yes the day after we were at the zoo (because this is what I do to myself haha) we headed to MN for a fast, full, and fun four days with my family.  Brandon had to stay behind to work.  

When we arrived T started working on her first mosaic almost immediately.  She loved making these so this was the first of many! 

T: This was so much fun.
Meanwhile, Brandon and the cats were happily watching Hamilton! 
The kids were so excited to see cousin A again for the first time since January 2020!
T: We were matching and we didn't even plan it.
T: We even matched the zoom ball!
That evening we decided to take a short drive to check out a beautiful house my brother is building.  I am so proud of Bret and his hard work.  The kids were eager to climb up this pile of dirt.  It was harder than expected.
Here they go.
They did it!
Of course my curious girl went into the lake.  She didn't think about the fact that she would have to walk through the dirt to get to my parents car.  Thankfully, mom my had some wet wipes.   

T: I just saw the water and needed to get in.

Of course when we got back to my parents and the kids needed snacks and it became a very late night.  I ended up going to bed with the kid after the long day of driving and activity.  

On Sunday the 13th we were up early for a walk for my mom and I and lawnmower driving for M.

M: This is so much fun!!

The kids brought rollerblades and really enjoyed the large paved area on my parents driveway.

They have gained so much confidence.
So sporty.
I wanted to keep him, but I didn't.
Another masterpiece!

We decided to all watch church online together!  It was fun to see what was happening at home while we were away.  After lunch it was time to head to my grandma's house.  I was so eager to see her.  We had not been together since November of 2019! Way too long!!!!

Sweet hugs! T is wearing a ring that she found upstairs and grandma said she could keep!

M: Driving is the best!

Finally together!!!
Meanwhile, the cats were helping Brandon.
And they all watched the Bucks together!


After some good time at the farm we headed to a pool close to my grandma's house.  One of my besties since childhood and her crew joined us.  Bret and Shannon and A and my parents were all there too.  It was quite a crew.

M: Mom could never catch me coming down the slide so she made me pose.

Grandma Kathy knows how to have fun!!!
Jessi and I actually went down the slide several times too.  Being with childhood friends brings out my inner child.

T and A rocked the climbing wall!

High Dive Action!

T: I loved the water ninja course!

T: I might want to marry E someday.   Shh, don't tell him!

It was a hot day and the water felt refreshing!

Someone just splashed us and my mom caught the expression.
Jessi's hubby and daughter were the splashers!

I am so thankful for our friendship and times we can catch up!
What a beautiful kid crew!!!
After a full day at the pool we drove back to my grandma's house for another quick visit and to change back into our clothes.  Then we headed to my parents where tasty food was waiting.  M and T (but especially M) eat so much in MN.  M is convinced that they receive higher quality food in their Aldi which is why everything there tastes better. I think my mom being a stellar cook has something to do with it!!!
Silly faces after supper.

Meanwhile back at home, Brandon made SO MUCH pasta.  He sent me this pic after he had finished his first meal!


 On Monday morning it was T's turn to drive the lawnmower!

Look at that focus!

After a walk, breakfast, and showers we decided to go fishing.  We ended up checking out three fishing spots and fishing at two of them. The first one was a pond on property owned by one of my brother's friends.

The fishers!
The best fish caught!
After spending a little while there we went to another pond area on the same property and that was full of weeds so it wasn't very good for fishing.   After that we decided to go to the lake that my dad often takes them to.  The kids caught so many fish.  I felt like all my dad did was take fish off the hook. This was a lot of fun for the kids to catch so many fish and my dad was a real trooper!

T's first of many fish.
M's first fish.
I was enjoying some sunshine while they fished.

Mom went for a walk and took this shot.

After lunch we headed to the lake that my parents used to have a cabin.  It was fun to drive past it and be flooded with memories. It was a cabin that I spent time with family at as well as hung out with high school friends, college friends, camp friends, Brandon, and even M.  T never visited the cabin.  

 My brother's friend has a lot of shoreline.  He also has a swimming raft pretty far from shore.  The kids (all three as A was there too) wanted to go out to the raft so we all went out on one tube.  I couldn't keep it stable and use my feet, so my arms got a good workout hauling everyone out there.  Once out there T jumped in and swam back and forth many times.  She has never ending energy.

Chilling on the raft.

After getting the crew safely back to shore I needed to have a little mom chill time.  Sadly this float was a bit hard to navigate and it took me way longer than it should have to get in the position on the photo.  My mom and I were laughing until we cried, but eventually and very ungracefully I was floating!

What a fun bunch!
Look at these two with their matching shirts!
Playing tether ball.  The rule changed by the minute.

Snacking and riding together.
See, I can hold her!!!

Before we said goodbye T needed to attempt a daring task, of course it needed to happen on pavement.

When we got home it was time for some more creating. These little tiles were my moms growing up and I don't remember ever seeing them before this trip to MN!

T: I have so many ideas.

We decided to have a fire and roast marshmallows.  The kids loved playing with sticks in the fire.

M:  I am not sure why, but this is so fun.
T: I love it too.

On Tuesday it was already time to pack up and head home.  Brandon had a full day and evening of meetings, so we decided to stay in MN through the morning. The day started with more lawn mower rides. 
T: This thing can cruise!

After lawnmower rides my dad asked the kids if they wanted to shoot a BB gun.  They were both eager and took time to make targets.  M got really into it.  My grandma also came up for another visit and she loved watching the shooting. 
A natural.

Ready to shoot!
Grandma still has perfect aim!

M loves shooting!
Taking a knee like a sharp shooter.
His target!
While M was shooting a baby mouse ran across the lawn.  My dad stomped on it and it died.  He picked it up and threw it in the woods.  T was beside herself with this series of events, so she searched for it in the woods.  She found it, held it, carried it around, and buried it.  She is such an animal lover. 
T: Isn't it cute?
Please take one more picture, mom.
Looking a the paper together.
T: We cut out all the things we like.
M: I was reading a really good book series while we were there.
I love these two!
Since T had a ring, Grandma had a gift for M as well.

After our lunch we made the trek home.  The drive went by so quickly.  I was able to talk with a friend from here for a while, talk with my college bestie Nikky for a while, talk with my dad as we drove past an accident and I didn't know what to do. I also talked with Brandon for a while.  My conversation with Brandon was very exciting. I will share more about that in the next post!

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