Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Summer Vacation Week 10 Part One

Summer Vacation week ten might not have many photos, but it felt like a big week for us as we had big things going on almost each day.   

Monday 8/10

On Monday we had a big zoom meeting in the afternoon with each of the kids therapy teams.  We were able to learn the results of a huge brain mapping study that had been done.  The results were fascinating and the recommendations given will be a part of our fall routine.  The study is called Neurosequential Model (NMT).  

Also on Monday, T was able to use her new dry erase board to take notes and stay focused during Bible time.  

T: I did my best listening ever! 

Tuesday 8/11 - 
On Tuesday M and I had the Hematology video meeting which I wrote about earlier in the blog.  The lead up to it was nerve wracking, but we were given good news!  

Also on Thursday, M finished his Helicarrier.  He spent many hours working on it on Monday and Tuesday! 

M: This is one of the coolest things I have ever built. 

M: I just wanted T to help me with this silly face!

Wednesday 8/12 - 
On Wednesday I make a cameo at a staff meeting to present the Children's Ministry plan for the fall.  I am not sure if I mentioned it on the blog, but I took on a very part time role at the church in the middle of COVID.  I didn't officially start until August.  Getting the fall ministry up and running during a pandemic is not an easy task.  We have decided that we will deliver 4 week packets to families and then create videos to go with the packets.  It is a lot more work that it sounds and pretty daunting for me as I try to get things ready for homeschooling too.  Obviously, with all that going on, it makes total sense that I would need to blog haha. Actually, getting a couple of blog posts done helps me clear my mind between tasks. Anyway, the meeting went well and the staff team was very supportive of the fall plans for Children's Ministry. 

Also on Wednesday T had her very first at home Art Therapy.  Allie is an incredible artist and the two of them create masterpieces together!

So beautiful! 

On Wednesday evening Brandon took both kids to the breakwater to test out their new life jackets.  Thankfully the life jackets were not actually tested.  

M:  I love fishing out here!

After fishing there was still time for Basketball with our favorite girl helping with rebounds!

Thursday 8/13 - 
Thursday was the day of my first Zoom meeting with the virtual school rep.  She informed us that we needed to make the decision sooner rather than later to make sure what we would "get in" to a virtual program.  At that point virtual school was still going to be outsourced by a third party.  After my zoom with her I called Brandon and we agreed it was time to act.  I officially registered M for virtual, and through massive amounts of tears and sobs I emailed Lincoln school and un-enrolled T so I could homeschool her. The school principal, her therapists, Lincoln teachers etc all recommended this due to her impulsivity, esp around screens.  It was so hard to do these things, but there was much peace after the decision was made. This whole year is so wild to me.  As I type this my kids are still on summer break, but the local kids started school today.  I can't believe I am going to begin homeschooling T next week.  When I did preschool homeschool for M I  had total homeschool buy-in and it was a hard and expensive year.  This year I am "pandemic schooling" T and doing it cheaply with many reservations and sadness about what we are leaving behind.  I know this year will have many great moments and many hard moments.  I am choosing to look forward to the great ones and not worry to much about the hard ones. 

Also not pictured but worth a mention is memory boxes.  T and I have been going through all my high school memory boxes.  I kept way too much, but had great fun showing her things so I guess that is why I kept it, right?  I just stuck everything back in the box, so someday I will actually have to toss things that need to be tossed.  

Besides the huge school decisions and the memory boxes we had also had a fun afternoon with friends. We met up at a local state park and did some hiking and playing.  There was plenty of space to spread out. T was obsessed with collecting apples for "Apple Wars," but no game was actually played. They did use a stick and an apple to play ball.  It is so much fun to watch kids create fun together!

Check out these two cuties!

T: Look what I found in the storage room. 

M: It looks real, right? 

A long day means an easy bedtime for T!

Friday 8/14  - 
It was a day of celebration because there were no big meetings looming.  M did have piano lessons, but other than that we were quite free all day.  Brandon took both kids fishing that evening.  

M: Can you see through my fish? 

T: This guy sure is tiny! 

Next up is a weekend of more fishing and ice cream! 

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