Saturday, September 1, 2018

Prepping the garden

Another Memorial Day weekend tradition for our family is planting the garden.  We realize that most families plant things much earlier than this, but living on the Lake means that spring nights can be very cold so we usually just wait for Memorial Day.   This year our garden day boasted of four trips to the local hardware store in one day!  We bought supplies, we returned something we didn't need, we rented a tiller, and we returned a tiller.  Our family supports local businesses!!!

Our garden is sort of a weed paradise each spring, so much time is spent picking weeds.  

T: This is a big job!

T: How are we going to get all these weeds out of here? 

T: I got one!

We decided that the massive amounts of grass needed more than just "pulling weeds" to tackle so it would be worth it to rent a tiller.  Our garden is very small so some might argue if it was truly worth it, but as I look out he window at our garden three months later I see that the tilling paid off!

Tilling is much faster than weeding. 
Ready to grow!
We have some major deer issues with our garden each year.  Our first attempt to protect the garden involved using fishing line to deter the deer.  We soon has to increase our fence protection.
The fence phase one. 

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