Tuesday, February 8, 2022

T's Covid Journey in Photos

 I feel like this post needs a trigger warning, but actually I think I am possibly the only person that is triggered by these images.  I wrote about the journey in words HERE.  I won't rewrite everything, but here is the somewhat shorter fast version with pictures mixed in.  

On September 24th T woke up with quite a fever and it just kept going up.  While she had been masked at school, masking wasn't required and Delta stormed through her classroom.  By Friday afternoon the at home test said positive and she was miserable.  We decided to take her to urgent care to get an official test and have them to check her out.  Her fever was about 104 and she was so lifeless which is truly incredibly scary if you know T at all!  She had a horrible headache and was light sensitive. 

This was her smile on the way to urgent care.  Poor sweetie!
At urgent care they told us to come back if she got "really bad" and when I asked what "really bad" meant they described how she currently felt.  Ugh! The people there were incredible and the dimmed the lights for her.  They said we did everything right and sometimes this just happens. 
She loved the hot blanket!

She was so tired and so weak.  I gave her breakfast (Jello) in bed the next morning. 

She took a few bites of Jello and then...
...just wanted to lay and rest.
We spent our days with her laying everywhere!
This was such a beautiful moment.  A reminder of God's faithfulness!

There is so much of me then and now that wants to scream, "Covid isn't a joke."  I want everyone to look at the pics and see that kids with Covid are not on a little school vacation, and that mild cases still can feel pretty intense. Delta was no joke for T!  She was miserable for several days and very tired for many days.   Anyway, as much as I want to get on a soapbox (OK more of a soapbox than my last few sentences), I will instead share this little comic that I took a screen shot of while T was home. 

This little comic was convicting and still is... even in the hard... Jesus matters most!
More views like this!

The picture below is from the day that T napped for 5 hours while M was at school!  She had taken a 2+ hour nap downstairs and I told her she should really take a bath.  She made it up the stairs and just physically couldn't go any more so she took another rest at the top of the stairs.  This is my child that it literally always moving, she even moves when she sleeps.

Taking a sun nap.
After bath treats help hydration.
Thankfully as the days went on she had times where she was feeling pretty good. She even went to the work room and played with some paints. 
T: I love projects.

 Catching more and more glimpses of the T I know!  She worked on some balancing!
T: I wanted mom to take a pic for my teacher.
T loved the cards that she received from several people.  One person even brought her a gift including this stuffed dog.  She still sleeps with him every night.  She is wearing her blue light glasses.  By Thursday, she was doing many of her online assignments.  So many kids in her class were home with Covid and many others were choosing to quarantine that only 2 kids were in person at school.  It was an ideal time to be gone because all of the lessons were being done on the computer.  Remote learning is very tricky for T, so I am profoundly thankful that it was short term.
T: I am so thankful for my friend bringing me this special care package!

After about an hour of remote learning she was ready to rest again!  Thankfully she has some buddies who are always eager for a good cuddle!  
Buttercup:  I am glad T was home to cuddle with!
By day 8 of isolation she was feeling well enough to go to the beach we stayed very very very far from everyone and she wore a mask.  Crazy to think that if she had covid now she would have already been back at school a couple days by this point. 
T: I love our LAKE!
Day 14 with the beach to ourselves and no mask.  She was running and playing and back to her full T self!  It took her longer to get all her energy back and to be able to do all her evening activities without a nap.  I am so glad she has fully recovered and seems to show no long Covid symptoms!
T:  It was warmer than I thought it would be!

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